The Code Pink Crazies:
Mother Moonbat and her minions move in to Crawford, TX and the residents aren't happy: (H/T: BMEWS)
Wayne Stayskal -Tribune Media Services
Texas Town Disturbed By Sheehan, Protests
CRAWFORD, Texas (SEATTLE-PI) July 27, 2006"
Like many folks in President Bush’s adopted hometown, 83-year-old
Robert Westerfield isn’t exactly rolling out the welcome mat for the
town’s newest resident: war protester Cindy Sheehan. “I wish she’d stay
away. Crawford’s a Republican town, and she’s a dumb Democrat,”
Westerfield, a lifelong Crawford resident, said Friday while sitting on
a bench outside a gas station on Main Street.
Code Pink tries to close gas station, Cheney look-alike to the rescue (H/T: Gateway Pundit)
Paid at the Pump
Some cutesy anti-war protesters have a real gas attack. By
Alan Scherstuhl
Article Published Aug 3, 2006
Seven bicycles rolled to the pumps at 5:16, inciting a couple of
anti-war honks. Out came the trash bags. To stunned motorists, the
activists said things such as "no gas today," "keep driving" and "we're
taking over."
With a feathery boa wrapped around her Peaches T-shirt, Finken commandeered the easternmost pumps. She kicked off the chants with "money for health care!"
"Stop the war!" called the rest of the Code Pinkers.
Finken: "Funding for education!"
Code Pinkers: "Stop the war!"
Half the QuikTrip customers: "Fuck you!"
At Finken's pump, a Dick Cheney look-alike in shorts, sandals and an apoplectic rage, leapt from his red Dodge van and pushed her aside.
"I'm sorry, we're taking over right now," she said.
"Move the fuck out of my way!" He dragged her bike from the pump.
"Gas station's closed!" Finken shouted into her megaphone.
Cheney: "Don't fucking do that!"
Officers detained several protesters, including Finken. After
several minutes, an unmarked cruiser pulled through the lot. In the
passenger seat: that Cheney look-alike.
Soon, Finken was under arrest. Cheney was pressing charges.
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