IraqPundit is asking why the Democrats aren't responding to al Qaeda's, Iran's, and Syria's statements that a Democratic victory in Congress is a good thing for their cause:
Al Qaeda and Iran are both gloating over the U.S. election results. AQ's chief in Iraq, Abu Hamza Al-Muhajir, actually mocked Bush while praising the Democrats' victory in the congressional mid-term contests. According to an audio tape message attributed to Al-Mujahir, Americans had "voted for something reasonable in the last elections."
Meanwhile, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stated that the Republican defeat at the polls "is actually an obvious victory for the Iranian nation."
The White House has declined to comment on these statements, but what about the Democrats? Doesn't it behoove the Democrats to correct the claim that their ascension to power is good news for the enemies of the U.S.? Don't they want to move quickly to disabuse Al Qaeda of the idea that Democrats represent something that these butchers deem "reasonable"?
A hat tip to Wizbang where Kim wonders the same thing. And so do Ann Althouse and Tom Maguire.
So Democrats, what do you have to say? Or are you too embarrassed to comment? You should be!