This is a companion piece to yesterday's Bush Conservative article by A.J. Strata. It is an even more important read, so go read it all. Like AJ, I'm old enough to remember each of the election events he talks about and clearly remember the fallout and how that fallout affected me and my family through a long period of our lives. I, too, have been seeing the same warning signs and find them every bit as worrisome. Unfortunately, those who would fall into the Buchananite designation as AJ outlines it are probably too young to really have a good memory of those days. They were probably in grade school, maybe even high school, but politically active or astute? I seriously doubt it. They are bright Type As who will be the next generation of leaders, but their inexperience and even their natural immaturity are getting them into a whole lot of trouble and dragging the rest of us down with them. Here is a snippet from AJ:
To emphasize my point about Reps losing the independent middle, I must bring some history back into focus, and how much Republicans despised Reagan and Bush I. I use this example to show that the Far Right actually has a history of dumping popular Presidents and leaders due to their insatiable impatience. When they returned to form on the current George Bush the result was the same - Democrat wins. Last time they gave us Clinton, this time Pelosi and Reid. So let’s explore how the Republican party, driven by their unelected Gliterati (media talking/writing heads) has successfully snatched defeat from the jaws of victory once again. Because I think it is important for those who look down at us Bush Conservatives to face some facts: Bush is the Conservative defensive line right now. What we salvage will be up to him to defend. And if anyone thinks blaming Bush for Congress’ mistakes and self inflicted losses will gain them a voice at the new table, then they should think again. Who wants an angry loser around when the nation’s needs are at stake?
So what happened the last time the Republicans started their circular firing squad? Reagan had had a tough second term which included the Iran-Contra battles with the Democrat Congress, and the subsequent scandal. On top of that Reagan had to live with the prolific spending in Congress (sound familiar) that were in opposition to his policies of lowered taxes and smaller government. He did expand military spending in order to force the Soviet Union to capitulate the Cold War, but the fruits of his strategy would blossom after his term (sound familiar). He had suffered the 6th year election setbacks as well.
The low tax successes of his earlier term had turned into nothing special in the minds of the far right - who wanted more than was politically feasible. Of course we know the long term result was Clinton’s higher taxes. Which the current George Bush had to fight to turn back again. Every time the Republicans have a fit and lose ground it must be regained. Momentum is not a concept republicans seem to be able ..........