And the good news is:
House Democrats Name Hoyer to No. 2 Post.
House Democrats on Thursday chose Maryland Rep. Steny Hoyer to be House majority leader over Rep. John Murtha, the choice of Rep. Nancy Pelosi, in line to become speaker. Hoyer was elected on a vote of 149-86.
The balloting marked a personal triumph for him, but also a snub to Pelosi, moments after the rank and file selected her unanimously to become speaker when the House convenes in January.
One of the reasons I love being part of the blogosphere is the following via Confederate Yankee:
Despite my general dislike of CNN, I've got to hand it to them; they really got this perfect, both photo and headline.
Nancy's steaming, Murtha's pouting, and Hoyer's preening. Oh what a fun Congress this promises to be.