Ground Hog Day? Ground Hog year? or how 'bout Ground Hog "Infantile Generation?"
Democrats want to make the same mistakes they made in Viet Nam, and so they're bringing in the same guy who helped them blow it all 32 years ago.
"McGovern to meet with Congress on war": "George McGovern, the former senator and Democratic presidential candidate, said Thursday that he will meet with more than 60 members of Congress next week to recommend a strategy to remove U.S. troops from Iraq by June."
Ronald Reagan's Ghost might think so too.
What is the Reagan Doctrine?
Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment: "Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican."
"Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but Democrats believe every day is April 15."
- Ronald Reagan, quoted in the New York Times, October 10, 1984
Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the
Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here
to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down
this wall!"
- Ronald Reagan, June 12, 1987
"In closing, let
me thank you, the American people, for giving me the great honor of
allowing me to serve as your president. When the Lord calls me home,
whenever that day may be, I will leave with the greatest love for this
country of ours and eternal optimism for its future. I now begin the
journey that will lead me into the sunset of my life. I know that for
America there will always be a bright dawn ahead."
- Ronald Reagan, November 5, 1994 (from his letter to the American people revealing his Alzheimer's diagnosis)