I am a huge Mitt Romney fan. I have publicly predicted, and will do so again, that Romney will win the Republican nomination for President in '08 and that he will win by a landslide. Remember, you heard it hear first. Nice to know that some of the major players agree he is worth keeping an eye on.
The Mitt still fits
Mitt Romney recently met with the senior fellows of the Hoover Institute, including Victor Davis Hanson. Here's Hanson's report:
For about one hour, he heard some tough inquiries, answered without notes, kept his cool, and talked analytically rather than in platitudes. I was impressed, and came away thinking that being a conservative governor in Massachusetts must have sharpened his debating skills and given him insights about dealing with the therapeutic mindset. I don't know what he thought of us, but most of us thought him quite impressive.
That was very much my impression when I attended a dinner with Romney earlier this year.
Romney has proven to be a great Governor here in the Commonwealth of Chaos. Just surviving in the corner office for 4 years is an accomplishment. The political climate here in Mass is as bad as you’ve heard, even worse.
He proposed many reforms that were shot down by the legislature and nearly every veto was overridden. Through it all Mitt has kept his cool and remained a class act.
He would do much better on the national scene where the mix of right and left is closer to even.
PS: Love your blog here in Leftie Land.
Posted by: DFP | 29 October 2006 at 08:53 AM