I was turning 19 in 1964 and like most other college freshman and sophomores back in the mid sixties, we were interested in who was going to win the big game on Saturday and who was getting drafted. Then the Civil Rights movement got into full gear and we turned our attention there. It was the way it was.
I grew up in a home where in the 1940s, my Mother started the first African-American girl scout troop, bringing Girl Scouting to those who had not had the opportunity before. As a toddler, she took me to the City Mission Day Care twice a week, where she was a volunteer. I still remember the songs I learned. Our housekeeper, Carrie, was black and she was my second Mother and from her I learned all the spirituals. She had a beautiful singing voice and I loved her dearly. If I saw any racism, I saw it through the eyes of my Mother, who spent all her adult life working against its evils.
My family were strong active Republicans. So for me, I could never understand how the AA community turned their loyalties to the Democrats.
I was too young and stupid and uninformed back then to understand the political machines at work in Congress, so when I read the following, my lack of understanding of how the African American community got hoodwinked into blindly supporting a party who openly scorned them is even more confusing.
Democrats get mad when held to account for their own history
By Macranger on democrats
Well that’s an opinion, but an incorrect one. But let’s look at something most democrats hate - facts. The fact is that it’s not the Republican Party with historic racist ties, it’s the Democrats. Let’s look at a few facts from this site which chonologizes the Democratic record, for instance on the stance of Democrats on the 1964 Civil Rights act.“A little known fact of history involves the heavy opposition to the civil rights movement by several prominent Democrats. Similar historical neglect is given to the important role Republicans played in supporting the civil rights movement. A calculation of 26 major civil rights votes from 1933 through the 1960’s civil rights era shows that Republicans favored civil rights in approximately 96% of the votes, whereas the Democrats opposed them in 80% of the votes! These facts are often intentionally overlooked by the left wing Democrats for obvious reasons. In some cases, the Democrats have told flat out lies about their shameful record during the civil rights movement.
Democrat Senators organized the record Senate filibuster of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Included among the organizers were several prominent and well known liberal Democrat standard bearers including:
- Robert Byrd, current senator from West Virginia
- J. William Fulbright, Arkansas senator and political mentor of Bill Clinton
- Albert Gore Sr., Tennessee senator, father and political mentor of Al Gore. Gore Jr. has been known to lie about his father’s opposition to the Civil Rights Act.
- Sam Ervin, North Carolina senator of Watergate hearings fame
- Richard Russell, famed Georgia senator and later President Pro Tempore
The complete list of the 21 Democrats who opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 includes Senators:
- Hill and Sparkman of Alabama
- Fulbright and McClellan of Arkansas
- Holland and Smathers of Florida
- Russell and Talmadge of Georgia
- Ellender and Long of Louisiana
- Eastland and Stennis of Mississippi
- Ervin and Jordan of North Carolina
- Johnston and Thurmond of South Carolina
- Gore Sr. and Walters of Tennessee
- H. Byrd and Robertson of Virginia
- R. Byrd of West VirginiaDemocrat opposition to the Civil Rights Act was substantial enough to literally split the party in two. A whopping 40% of the House Democrats VOTED AGAINST the Civil Rights Act, while 80% of Republicans SUPPORTED it. Republican support in the Senate was even higher. Similar trends occurred with the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which was supported by 82% of House Republicans and 94% of Senate Republicans. The same Democrat standard bearers took their normal racists stances, this time with Senator Fulbright leading the opposition effort.”