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04 October 2006



Sara, aren't those death threats coming from gay-hating Republicans pissed that this kid made a stink about Foley?

Pal2Pal (Sara)

I don't know who is making the threats. It could be that sick group out of Kansas that is going to show up and protest the Amish children's funerals because they are mad at Ed Rendell's stance on gays. It doesn't matter who is making the threats. If idiot do-gooders weren't out parroting this story and claiming it is to protect our children, this young man's idenity would still be confidential, just as the parent's requested. There is no excuse for what has happened here. Every Republican should be infuriated, no matter how they feel about gay rights or gay activity. This was a parental rights issue and family rights issue. The Dems don't give a damn about parental rights. Remember in their world it takes a village to raise a child and they think turning children over to minimum wage day care workers is preferable to having a Mother stay at home and take care of her children.

This needs to be laid at the Media and Pelosi's doorstep.


How very Republican of you, and how perfectly consistent with the talking points. When you're called on how the death threats are most likely being created by the very homophobia and hatred that was Foley's excuse version 3.0 (molested as a child and "Foley wants you to know he's a gay man"), you claim you don't know who is making the threats.

You may not, and you probably don't want to. Because to try and think it through, you might discover just why this is so problematic. Fact is, these kids even at 15 are the best and the brightest. They're political operatives just as you say they are. And they're not going to be taken in by Foley, especially after they've been specifically warned about him.

Maybe the Druge story (Foley excuse version 5.0) is correct. and its just a prank. How does a prank like this start? Maybe because everybody connected to the Republican establishment could predict precisely how Foley would respond to titillating messages? And then they all sat around and laughed when he did just what they expected.

Actually, I hope so, because while that's extremely meanspirited of the teenagers (teens can be that way) it would tell us the only surprise to the Republican power structure was it wasn't their little secret any more.

The other possibility is, of course, that Jordan Edmund is a closeted homosexual who also has the misfortune to be an extremely conservative republican and knows what kind of hell he is in for. The same kind of hell that Foley lived with, which would actually create a bond between them.

What a Hobson's choice. Either Edmunds a straight boy who, with his buddies, get off on teasing Foley because he's such an open secret he's an easy foil, or its just one more lie the GOP tries as it flounders with its base.

This isn't about the media and Pelosi; they were cut out of the process for 3 to 5 years whilst Foley apparantly texted his tits off. This is all about the republicans and the way they define morality.

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