Coming down the stretch, Diana Irey turns up the heat on Rep. Jack Murtha.
Thursday, October 12, 2006 (724) 258-2300
(JOHNSTOWN, October 12) -- Washington County Commissioner and Pennsylvania 12th district Republican Congressional nominee Diana Irey held a press conference in Johnstown today and released the following statement:
"Jack Murtha is scared to debate me.
"That's the only conclusion one can draw from the news we got two days ago from the League of Women Voters -- Jack Murtha, we were told, refuses to get on a stage here in the 12th District and debate me over the significant issues in this campaign.
"That is a disservice to the voters of the 12th District. It demonstrates once again the callous disregard and disrespect Jack Murtha feels toward anyone who dares to utter a word in opposition to him -- the same kind of disregard and disrespect he showed again yesterday, when, in a fundraising solicitation he wrote on behalf of a radical left-wing organization, he wrote of those who disagree with him, and I quote, 'screw them.'
"Mr. Murtha's refusal to debate the issues in front of those he seeks to represent, I might add, came less than a week after the Johnstown Tribune-Democrat published a lead editorial calling on Mr. Murtha to debate me.
"Here, in part, is what the Trib-Dem said just eight days ago:
It is time for a debate in the 12th Congressional District race. Voters deserve more than the constant Iraq-war rhetoric they have been getting from incumbent John Murtha .? He has spent much more time defending his Iraq war statements and helping other Democrats raise campaign money than actually talking about the issues in his home district . [V]oters deserve more. Let's get these candidates together to talk about the issues . Voters deserve a chance to see these candidates debate the issues face to face.
"Perhaps Mr. Murtha is scared to debate me because he knows I will hold him accountable before the voters for the lies he's been feeding his constituents for more than a quarter century about his role in the biggest corruption scandal in history. Ever since the release of Jack Murtha's full, unexpurgated ABSCAM FBI surveillance video 13 days ago, we have known the truth -- that Jack Murtha has been lying to his constituents for 26 years now regarding his behavior.
"Perhaps Mr. Murtha is scared to debate me because he knows I will hold him accountable before the voters for his long history of ethically questionable behavior in trading hundreds of millions of dollars in earmarked federal appropriations for millions of dollars in campaign contributions -- behavior so flagrant that even a liberal congressional watchdog group listed him just a few weeks ago as one of the 25 most corrupt Members of Congress.
"Perhaps Mr. Murtha is scared to debate me because he knows I will hold him accountable before the voters for his clear belief that he is above the law, and for his determination to conduct himself under a different set of rules than that which applies to the rest of us -- as witness his attempt to enact legislation that would have required you and I, as taxpayers, to foot the legal bills of Members of Congress who had been convicted of taking bribes.
"Perhaps Mr. Murtha is scared to debate me because he knows I will hold him accountable before the voters for his rush to judgment in the matter of U.S. Marines at Haditha -- where he acted as prosecutor, judge, and jury, declaring that American soldiers had, and I quote, 'killed innocent civilians in cold blood' -- before the first Marine was charged, before the first court-martial was convened, before the first Marine was convicted.
"The League of Women Voters has offered to sponsor a debate. The Tribune-Democrat has offered to help schedule and sponsor a debate. Several television stations here in the district have offered to air the debate.
"Mr. Murtha, come out and debate. Or risk being laughed at in the American Legion and VFW halls of our district, and risk being mocked at NRA banquets throughout our community.
"Oh, I forgot -- you don't visit those places.
"The choice is yours, Jack."
A Message from Diana Irey: 26 Days and Counting!
With less than a month remaining, we have hit the final stretch!
Congressman John Murtha's career of corruption and special interests is coming to a close. Your generous support has been vital toward this campaign. But a lot can still happen in 26 days and we still need your help!
Are you up for a challenge? Diana Irey has proven she is; will you stand with her? If you want to see John Murtha retired and change the current congressional status quo, take the Irey Challenge!
We need you to match or even exceed your previous donation. With your help, Diana can cover the airwaves with her message as well as flood the streets with ground forces that can take her message of honesty and integrity in leadership to the people of Pennsylvania.
Its time for a change and it cannot happen without your help. We have the momentum rolling and your contribution of $10, $100, $1,000 or $2,100 will give us the resources necessary to get Diana elected!
Your generous support has made a difference before and now you can make a difference again! Take the Irey Challenge and donate today!
2:19:00 PM Read
'Diana and Goliath' Battle in 12th District
10/12/2006 12:24:00 PM Read
10/12/2006 10:37:00
AM Read
Human Events:
PA-12: Murtha Challenger Diana Irey: 'This Battle's Worth the
11:30:00 AM Read
10/11/2006 10:50:00 AM
(MONONGAHELA, October 11) -- Washington County Commissioner and Pennsylvania 12th district Republican Congressional nominee Diana Irey will visit Armstrong and Cambria counties today for public events. In Elderton, she will address students at the Elderton Elementary School about the Constitution of... Read more...
Christian Science
Monitor: Rules of Engagement: What Were They at
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American Spectator:
The Charlie Brown Democrats
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10/9/2006 4:57:00 PM
(PHILADELPHIA, October 9) -- Washington County Commissioner and Pennyslvania 12th District Republican Congressional nominee Diana Irey today addressed the Philadelphia Chapter of the Republican Jewish Coalition on the topic of "National Defense and Homeland Security." Below are excerpts of her remar... Read more...
Write to the GOP/RNC at [email protected] and tell them to get off their duffs and give Diana Irey some support. Help her get her word out. Help her run some TV ads. This is a winnable seat.
And don't forget to check in regularly with:
Support Diana Irey Visit her website and sign up for her email updates. A contribution to her campaign, or to, would help her get her word out and defeat Rep. John Murtha.
And Diana Irey is one of the approved candidates on the new Rightroots list, so this is one more way you can donate and help her campaign.

And check out this new website:
As most who attended the rally know, I was there. After the dust had cleared created by some moonbat among the bootmurtha crowd who called in a fake police report that a fight had broken out, Larry Bailey came out to speak with me.
I complimented him from the bottom of my heart for the contributions he has made to our country's national security while he was serving active duty in the US Navy.
He made it clear my request to speak would not happen. He then proceeded to suggest he has no memory of the email he wrote me on 8/20/2006 2:59:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time stating that our current Commander in Chief made stupid mistakes in Iraq.
Larry then proceeded to illustrate stupid mistakes made in passed wars. After he mentioned 3 or 4 examples I interjected that there is a difference between those wars and this one.
In the past it took weeks, months, sometimes years for mistakes to be discovered and reported. Today is the information age where mistakes are reported within hours of their occurrence. I reminded him this war was still going on. I also reminded him of the glaring mistakes he had acknowledged President Bush had made in Iraq, and our respective use of the Internet to support our respective views and that is where our conversation ended.
I waited outside the Arena with a Johnstown police officer who had stayed behind after the bootmurtha hysterics caused 3 squad cars and a sergeant to arrive with sirens blaring. I was debating Steeler football with him when a motorcycle officer stopped by, who had been inside. When I asked how many were inside he said, "not many at all" When I asked "500?", he responded, "na ... well maybe 500, at most."
At the end of the event when Larry Bailey came out for a photo op next to the sign on the sidewalk outside the War Memorial Arena. I handed Larry the speech I had waited to deliver. He put it in his outside left coat pocket.
This is my speech Larry Bailey has in his coat pocket ... the words he was not man enough to let me say:
"Please join me in Prayer.
Heavily father we pray today for you to continue to protect the men and women of the armed forces of the United States and other countries who are in harms way in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other countries throughout the world. We thank them and their families for their sacrifices.
We pray for the souls of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in all wars. We pray for strength and courage for the POWs and MIAs and those held hostage.
We pray for protection and safety of relief workers helping those in need.
We pray for the protection of children and innocent civilians. Lord we especially pray for our nation and our leaders."
Below you will find the press release that went out on October 29th of this year.
CONTACT: Cliff Hancuff
September 29, 2006 (202) 247-1418
[email protected]
"American troops could be home now, except for critical mistakes made by our current Commander in Chief," charges Cliff Hancuff, Director of The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too.
"Media and right-wing bloggers are ignoring this fact. For weeks I have been challenging political activists and journalists to act with a minimum of ethical standards," continued Hancuff.
"I became involved when the Sun-Sentinel in Florida reported that Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) said the U.S. poses the top threat to world peace. I watched in dismay as the media and bloggers worldwide reported on this misquote."
"My involvement continued when I discovered Diana Irey, John Murtha's political opponent, had attacked Murtha using a fictional quote attributed to Abraham Lincoln."
"Larry Bailey of is continuing his three year blind support of our current Commander in Chief's incompetence in war. President Bush declared war in Iraq without the 4th Infantry, our most lethal, modern, and deployable heavy division in the world," added Hancuff.
This mistake lead to the atrocity of Al Qaqaa. Iraqi insurgents stole hundreds of tons of high explosives to be used as weaponry.
"These are the explosives being used by Iraqi insurgents and al Qaeda to perpetuate the war in Iraq."
"I am distressed that the same issues ignored by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in 2004 are being ignored again in 2006," said Hancuff adding, "Americans, American soldiers, and their families deserve better."
"Without these critical mistakes made by our current Commander in Chief, our American troops would be home with their loved ones, with honor, right now."
On October 1, 2006 Hancuff be at the Cambria County War Memorial Arena located in Johnstown Pennsylvania for Larry Bailey's Swiftboating of John Murtha rally. It is there Hancuff will continue his wait for Mr. Bailey to recall the values of honor and integrity taught him by our US Navy.
There is a video online at:
YouTube - Rovian Architecture Unplugged
The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too
(202) 247-1418
Posted by: chancuff | 19 October 2006 at 01:00 AM
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