A few days ago, this article ran on Newsbusters:
Department of Interior Blocking Conservative Blogs, Not Liberal Ones
Posted by Noel Sheppard on October 11, 2006 - 16:31.
It’s getting even stranger, folks. Little Green Footballs has posted a reader’s e-mail concerning the Department of the Interior actually blocking conservative websites from the computers of employees that work for it:
I’m a long-time reader, without ever actually commenting on anything. Yesterday the U.S. Department of the Interior (I work for the Mineral Management Service) installed blocking software on their entire network. Gates of Vienna is now blocked, as are all sites with a .blogspot URL. Also blocked are other conservative blogs, such as Wizbang. More than half the sites I check on a daily basis are now completely blocked. As of today, Little Green Footballs is not blocked, but that’s about the only one I’ve seen that isn’t. There’s not much that can be done, but I just thought I’d let you know. I’ll check later today when I get in to see if the liberal blogs are blocked. Take care, and thanks for the good stuff you folks post.
Update: As of now, Little Green Footballs is also being blocked, but DailyKos is not... Can we try to get the word out? Blocking conservative blogs and not liberal ones is BS.
LGF has now posted all the sites that are blocked, along with those that aren’t:
Blocked Blogs:
Captain’s Quarters
Cox and Forkum
Gates of Vienna
Little Green Footballs
Michael J. Totten
Michelle Malkin
Power Line
Protein Wisdom
Rantings of a Sandmonkey
Roger L. Simon
The Adventures of Chester
The American Thinker
The Belmont Club
The Doctor is In
WizbangBlogs not blocked:
Democrat Underground
America blog
The Huffington Post
Talkingpointsmemo.comIn fact, every blog linked to off of DailyKos seems to work.
Isn’t that special?
This morning this logo is showing up on the blocked blogs.
I am happy to say that we frequent every one of the banned sites on a daily basis and recommend them as some of the best political sites on the Net. If you are wondering why I have not linked to the blogs not blocked, the answer is that I do not link to racist, anti-semitic, sexist, bigoted bloggers and those nutroots are all of that and more.