"Why don't you tell them how many million citizens of America and its allies you intend to kill in search of the imaginary victory and in breathless pursuit of the mirage towards which you are driving your people's sons in order [to] increase your profits?"
Sure sounds like the Democrat's talking points we hear every day from Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean.
To see Zawahiri whine and complain and attack our President, see the video at Hot Air.
President Bush's answer was in his speech this morning:
"The stakes in this war are high and so are the stakes this November. Americans face a choice between two parties with different attitudes on this War on Terror," he told an audience in Birmingham at a Republican fundraiser for Alabama Gov. Bob Riley.
"Five years after 9/11, the worst attack on the American homeland in history, the Democrats offer nothing but criticism and obstruction and endless second-guessing. The party of FDR, the party of Harry Truman has become the party of cut and run," Bush said.
Gateway Pundit writes: Zawahiri sounds so Michael Moorish... It's spooky!