If ever a good caption was needed, this is it. Any suggestions?
And don't forget to support Diana Irey.
What are Veterans Saying about Diana Irey? (Vets4Irey.com)
Vets4Irey ^ | 8/5/06 | W04Man/Coop/Various veterans
Posted on 08/05/2006 6:15:57 AM PDT by Coop
"I don't understand turncoats as Murtha and Kerry..Where do they think their freedoms come from. The U.N.? As an Iraqi Freedom Veteran it turns my stomach. Shut these FOOLS down!"
Radel, William D."I am an active duty CW5 here at Ft. Bragg NC. I have been deployed into theater 3 times for about 24 months and am deploying to Afghanistan late this year. I am so disgusted as a Pennsylvanian to know that Murtha is representing my state. That he would sell down the river any chance those Marines might have for a fair trial is beyond reprehensible. ... Add my name to your list! Add it twice."
Myers, James A.
Support Diana Irey Visit her website and sign up for her email updates and a
contribution to her campaign would help her get her word out and defeat Rep. John Murtha.
And Diana Irey is one of the approved candidates on the new Rightroots list, so this is one more way you can donate and help her campaign.
Rightroots Endorsements
John Hawkins - Right Wing News
Robert Bluey - Human Events Online
Mary Katharine Ham - Townhall
Erick Erickson - RedState
Patrick Hynes - Ankle Biting Pundits
Ed Morrissey - Captain's Quarters
Lorie Byrd - Wizbang
Senator Bill Frist, M.D. - VOLPAC
Rep. Jack Kingston