Still have doubts that the whole scene at Qana was staged ... watch this:
Germany`s NDR presents unpublished video footage from the Qana events, demasking "Green Helmet" as a cynical movie director, staging photographs with a liitle boy's body.
LGF, who has had the lead on the fauxtography story from the git go, weighs in.
Stephen Spruell at Media Blog:
Even after all the blog posts documenting Hezbollah media manipulation, seeing it with your own eyes on this video is something else entirely. And it makes these people look like fools:
I linked to Dan's post the other day, but it bears reposting it ... Qana Exposed:
Hezbollywood Exposed
By Dan on Media BiasHope no one minds my saying so, I first suggested the now infamous Green Helmet guy was directing the action in Qana two days ago in Qana Exposed. Charles and Roger's Pajamas Media, Allah and some others picked up on it, but I was seriously thinking my blogging days were done.
I wentI didn't sleep that night I was so cranked up over the post, which took me until 5AM to finish. And I thought it was the best thing I had ever done. When it didn't get the attention I thought it might, I started questioning myself ... thinking maybe I was going around the bend, somehow. Such is the life of a blogger, I suppose. We start half-way around the bend to begin with! LOL Spending the rest of the time worrying if we've made the full turn.
Shocking! New Green Helmet Blog. He's everywhere. (H/T: LGF). Fauxtos, fauxtos, fauxtos.