(MONONGAHELA, August 11) -- Washington County Commissioner and Pennsylvania 12th district Republican Congressional nominee Diana Irey -- responding to the arrest in the UK of 24 alleged terrorists, and the arrest in Pakistan of another seven, including at least one who is reported to be a member of al Qaeda -- today released the following statement:
"As I said yesterday, the arrests in the United Kingdom -- and last week's and yesterday's arrests in Pakistan -- represent a significant victory in the ongoing war on terror. They couldn't have happened without the combined work of the British, American, and Pakistani intelligence and law enforcement services.
"These arrests demonstrate that enhanced intelligence collection and analysis, and enhanced international cooperation, are essential tools in the global war on terror. Giving our intelligence and law enforcement agencies greater tools, such as those contained in the provisions of the Patriot Act, the terrorist surveillance program, and sophisticated financial tracking are indispensable in our ongoing efforts to defeat those who seek our destruction.
"Further, these arrests demonstrate that the best defense is a good offense -- that, rather than wait until planes are blown out of the sky, we must continue to support efforts to strike pre-emptively.
"And, perhaps just as important, these arrests demonstrate that, now more than ever, Washington needs leaders who remain committed to winning the war on terror, no matter the political considerations. Terrorists don't take polls to decide how, when and where they're going to strike -- and neither should our nation's leaders.
"Curiously, for some reason, Jack Murtha has yet to make a public comment on the foiling of this terrorist plot.
"Could that be because he's trying to figure out how to defend his vote against extending the provisions of the Patriot Act?
"Jack Murtha was one of a number of Democrats who voted against extending the life of the Patriot Act. On December 14, 2005, he cast a vote that would have stripped U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies of the expanded powers they'd been using to prevent terrorist attacks against us for the last several years -- the kind of powers that have led to the disruption of more than 150 terrorist threats and cells around the world, and which have been used to aid in investigations which led to more than 400 individuals being charged right here in America, and led to more than 200 individuals being convicted or pleading guilty in terrorism-related cases.
"Those expanded powers to conduct intelligence operations against terrorists were merely the same kind of provisions previously used by intelligence and law enforcement agencies against drug traffickers and organized crime. Why Jack Murtha would vote against extending those provisions to combat international terrorism is beyond me -- especially given that when the Patriot Act was first considered, in 2002, he voted to give our intelligence and law enforcement agencies those very same powers.
"Once again, it appears that Jack Murtha's determination to advance his own personal political interests -- that is, his desire to become Majority Leader -- has led him to vote on behalf of his favored constituents in the liberal House Democratic Caucus, rather than on behalf of the people who actually send him to Congress, right here in southwest Pennsylvania.
"But the people of southwest Pennsylvania deserve a Member of Congress of their very own. And that's why I'll never confuse southwest Pennsylvania with San Francisco, and why I'll always vote to represent my constituents right here in Pennsylvania."
Support Diana Irey Visit her website and sign up for her email updates and a contribution to her campaign, or Vets4Irey.com, would help her get her word out and defeat Rep. John Murtha.
And Diana Irey is one of the approved candidates on the new Rightroots list, so this is one more way you can donate and help her campaign.
(Click all the links, or you'll get/be lost.)
Cliff Hancuff
The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too
(Squig, do you remember the part where you claimed you did not delete posts?)
Posted by: chancuff | 09 September 2006 at 07:52 PM
Things are JUST NOT GOING WELL for the folks at the "Diana Irey for Congress" camp.
Diana Irey Press Release UPDATE!
(read whole thread)
Cliff Hancuff
The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too
Posted by: chancuff | 10 September 2006 at 06:39 PM
Things are JUST NOT GOING WELL for the folks at the "Diana Irey for Congress" camp.
Diana Irey Press Release UPDATE!
(read whole thread)
Cliff Hancuff
The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too
Posted by: chancuff | 10 September 2006 at 06:39 PM
"Swift Boat Veterans for Themselves" ignored a couple issues CRITICAL to our troops at war during the run-up to the 2004 election.
First they sat silent knowing full well that Bush NEVER USED the number of troops he incessantly claims his generals asked for. Turkey would not allow the 40,000 troops of the 4th to pass through and participate in Bush's invasion of Iraq.
Second, These same Lookatme! Showboaters sat silent when this very same troop shortage resulted in America's greatest tragedy of the war in Iraq.
EVERYONE who's ever gone through basic training knows that when you find your enemies weapons, you keep them secure.
Hundreds of tons of high explosives that our troops had captured at Al Qaqaa were abandoned specifically due to troops shortages, CREATED by Bush's incompetence in war.
These explosive stolen from Al Qaqaa are the weapons that have been used to blow our troops into too many parts to count each and every day of this war.
When some pasty butt wimp, like Larry Bailey of bootmurtha.com, decides to pass his "gimme' some money" collection plate to support his concept of patriotism for a circus tent performance at The Cambria County War Memorial on October 1st of this year ...
Some would say there's nothing more patriotic than putting a moron who's never given a hoot about our troops at war (or he would have spoke up about those 40k troops left behind and Al Qaqaa IN 2004) in his proper place ...he's a coward.
To make matters even MORE entertaining, Larry Bailey actually thinks having John O'Neill, the original Lookatme! Show Boater, as his surprise guest speaker is a feather in his cap.
You may not like the stand John Murtha has been making, but for anyone who supports our troops at war, there's no way to respond to these idiot Swiftboaters' Reunion in Murtha's home town of Johnstown, Pa, than a chorus of Bronx raspberries.
I hope this clarifies.
Cliff Hancuff
The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too
Things are JUST NOT GOING WELL for the folks at the "Diana Irey for Congress" camp.
Diana Irey Press Release UPDATE!
(read first 4 posts, the rest if you fancy to)
(click all links found in post, or you will get/be lost)
Posted by: chancuff | 12 September 2006 at 12:36 PM
Things are JUST NOT GOING WELL for the folks at the "Diana Irey for Congress" camp.
Diana Irey Press Release UPDATE!
(read first 4 posts, the rest if you fancy to)
(click all links found in post, or you will get/be lost)
Posted by: chancuff | 12 September 2006 at 09:45 PM