What is Cindy doing today?
MOTHER SHEEHAN'S MARRIED LOVER - Cindy Sheehan & Right Wing Love Affair?
Melanie Morgan & "It Comes in Pints" Blog ^ | 08/10/2006 | Melanie Morgan
Posted on 08/10/2006 10:43:42 AM PDT by Impeach98
Activist breaks camp in Crawford to do 'damage control' Cindy Sheehan packed her bags and left Crawford ,Texas, Tuesday afternoon and arrived home in Berkeley, Ca. late Tuesday evening. Sheehan rushed back to do damage control after explosive information became public today about an alleged affair that began while she was still married to her husband Patrick, and after her son Casey Sheehan died in Sadr City, Iraq attempting to rescue members of his trapped squad.
Sources are telling authors Melanie Morgan and Catherine Moy, (American Mourning, Cumberland Press) that Sheehan is furious that the news of her affair has gone public. Sources have identified the boyfriend as former right-winger Lew Rockwell of the Ludwig Von Mises think tank located in Alabama, who is himself married.
Oh and look, she is claiming her tent down at Camp Casey in Crawford is now her principal residence. She must be (a resident, that is), right? Otherwise this would be illegal. Check the update at the link below for Cindy's new wish list:
Cindy Sheehan Registers To Vote In Crawford - Illegally?
From our intrepid correspondent on site down in Texas, Crawford Activist, we have this photo of Cindy Sheehan at the local post office last Tuesday registering to vote in McLennan County:
Crawford Activist reports that Mother Sheehan then left Crawford late Tuesday afternoon to attend a conference in Seattle she is headlining.
Ms. Sheehan is supposed to return to Crawford Friday morning in time to protest the RNC fundraiser near the President’s ranch.
Then Cindy is off again to give a speech in Washington, DC on Saturday. It seems she just can’t resist those speaking fees.
But hasn’t our hero mother broken Texas law by registering to vote when she is not a Texas resident?
It gets better, check out the UPDATE:
Bear in mind that Mother Sheehan is hereby soliciting for donations to her private residence, which is strictly against the IRS guidelines for a tax exempt "charity," which (God help us) GSFP is.