If you care about Israel, if you want to really understand what just happened at the United Nations with the Cease Fire resolution, if you want to understand about North Koriea and Iran, and if you want to understand period, then you must, repeat MUST, listen to this interview. Get yourself a soda or a cup of coffee, get comfortable and sit back and listen. It's long, but it will play in the background. Pamela at Atlas Shrugs writes:
I had the enormous priviledge to sit down with John Bolton today and discuss at length the UNSC ceasefire, Israel, Hezb'Allah, the War on Islamofascism, Iran, August 22nd, the puppet government of Lebanon, Olmert .............listen to it all, it's a real eye opener. No holds barred
, I ask the tough questions and got the hard answers.
Here is the download;