In surfing around today and reading lots of posts and comments about the foiled terror plot, I've seen some incredibly stupid remarks. I have never seen such lunacy as is rampant on the far left. I didn't think it could get any more insane, until I came to the Newsbusters story. Jeff Goldstein has a suggestion. I take only one exception: to do what Jeff suggests presumes the loonies admit terrorists exist. They don't. In their childish worlds, it is all a Rovian/Cheney plot.
Progressive delusional paranoia goes national: NBC News “questions the timing”
Via Newsbusters, here’s NBC’s Kevin Corke:
“Yeah well said because a lot of people here are going to be asking the question, not only today but in the days to come, if, if the administration has known about this potential plot what was the hold up in getting the word out, especially domestically? Now right now they’re saying, Ann, that there’s no expectation that there will be domestic arrests related to this particular terror plot but still it does beg the question how long ago did they know of this and why are we just hearing about it right now?”
As Ace notes:
I can’t think of any obvious answers to that. Nothing like, “He didn’t leak it because he didn’t want to compromise the British investigation, which was a painstaking, massive one conducted over a period of months.”
Must be something else, I’m sure.
And of course, here’s the question that an objective journalist would have directed back to Corke—and those many many many concerned people so concerned and curious about “the timing”: If not today, when? And the corollary (which goes to motive), why NOT today?
Because here’s the thing: had Bush leaked the story for political purposes days ago—say, in the run-up to the Lieberman primary—we’d hear braying from the left about the timing of that. That he didn’t do any such thing—that he let British intelligence and law enforcement do its job and make the call about when to make arrests and how to break the story—is now (ironically! amazingly! incredibly!) being framed as, well, what, exactly? A coverup? Who knows. We’re never told.
And the reason is simple: by framing the question open-endedly—which has the effect of insinuating a dark conspiracy being carried out by cynical men for secret purposes—Corke and those like him have achieved their purpose of creating doubt where thre need not be any. It is a smear couched as intellectual curiosity.
So in order to avoid this kind of unsavory journalism in the future, I have a suggestion: perhaps Mr Corke and the rest of the “concerned” and “curious” can make this easy on all of us and just draft a list of dates when it would be convenient for them to have facts reported. For my part, that the story broke on the day the arrests were made is something I’m comfortable with, answering to my satisfaction, as it does, the fraught question posed by Mr Corke: “why today?”
That answering being that today is the day of the arrests. Which is the story. QED.
Let's not be afraid to speak the common word that threads all of these murders and attempted murders: Muslims.
Unfortuanately the liberals and special interest groups are reducing our country from one that protect to a country that can only investigate after the crime has been committed, providing we get a court order and don't step on the toes of a special interest group.
Posted by: JustaDog | 11 August 2006 at 12:48 PM