Put aside the fact that the editorial starts out with "It is now 26 days since Hezbollah and Israel began their latest combat [1] — a very long time for the world to allow such a deadly conflict to rage in the Middle East powder keg.". Well it is hard to put that arrogant and so utterly stupid statement aside I know. The New York Times, Bill Keller in particular, are so ignorant, they have become dangerous to all of us. Here is a taste, but go read it all:
Can the NY Times Be This Mind-Numbingly Stupid?
By jon
on Media Bias
9. The NY Times is now on record recommending that Hezbollah be provided with a way to claim victory.
This may be the most astonishingly inane, idiotic, absurd and downright
stupid bit of lunacy that has ever been published. Hezbollah is a proxy
for Iran, which is flexing its regional muscles and, oh by the way,
developing nuclear weapons as part of an apocalyptic mission. How, exactly, will bolstering Iran's terrorist arm help the world confront the Iranian threat?
The only person even more idiotic, arrogant, and ignorant than Bill Keller is his boss, Pinch Suhlzberger. They are terror enablers, terror appeasers, and proponents of massive dhimmitude. Treasonous, in my opinion, too.