To illustrate how much times have changed, think back to when the Movie "Exodus" was first released (1960-1961). I grew up in a small town about 70 miles east of Pittsburgh, PA. You may have heard of it recently as the home of Jack Murtha's Congressional District, Johnstown, PA. The area of town where I lived had a relatively large Jewish population in relation to the population as a whole. When "Exodus" premiered, it did so in a Pittsburgh theater and my school took several bus loads of kids from my school to Pittsburgh to see the movie. It was a school field trip and we spent the days prior to going and the days after seeing the movie discussing it and all it depicted in class. It was that important an event back then. Can you imagine a school doing that today?
Now fast forward to today. Israel is at war with a group of terrorists who call themselves Hizb'Allah, the party of God. They even have their own flag:
Now let's back up again to that premier of the movie "Exodus," a movie about the Jews return to their homeland in Palestine and look at the movie poster from 1961:
(H/T: Daily Pundit via Tom Pechinski)
See any similarities? Eerie if you ask me.
By the way, I found the poster for sale here for 19.99.