ALERT! Fox has just reported that Israel has shot down a "suicide drone" that was on its way to Tel Aviv.
The first question has to be ... where did Hizb'Allah get their hands on a drone?
Cease fire? I don't think so. Let's face it world, Israel is at war with Iran.
... Developing ...
Apparently this isn't the first drone. has more details:
Hizbullah drone shot down over Israel
IDF detects drone as it leaves Lebanese skies; intercepts it over Israeli waters near Krayot area
Efrat Weiss
The IDF intercepted a Hizbullah drone over northern Israel on Monday.
The drone was shot down over Israeli waters near the Krayot area; it was detected by IDF forces immediately upon leaving Lebanese territory.
Hizbullah has flown Marsad-type drones over Israel on a number of occasions; the IDF looked into the possibility that such a drone struck the Navy vessel off the coast of Beirut, but it was later revealed that an Iranian missile hit the corvette.
The last report of a Hizbullah drone flying over Israel was received on the eve of the Ariel Sharon – George W. Bush White House summit in April 2005.
Hizbullah members said at the time that the drone took photographs of 18 communities in northern Israel, including the coastal cities of Nahariya and Akko.
During a similar occurrence in November 2004, a drone exploded before returning to base.
At the time, Hizbullah spokesmen said the raid was in retaliation for “enemy violations” of Lebanese airspace.
And from [note: article says it had explosives, but TV news says no explosives on board, oops now they've reversed themselves again and say it was carrying explosives.]:
The drone, an Ababil, was shot down over the Mediterranean Sea near the port city of Haifa, the Israeli Defense Forces told FOX News. Officials believe it may have been headed for Tel Aviv. Ababils are Iranian-made aircraft that can be shot from a pneumatic launcher, according to
The IDF intercepted a Hizbullah
drone over northern Israel on Monday.
The drone was shot down over Israeli waters near the Krayot area; it
was detected by IDF forces immediately upon leaving Lebanese territory.
The Navy retrieved the intercepted drone’s parts from the water; it
is suspected that the drone was booby-trapped with explosives, but its
destination remains unclear as of yet.