While Jack Murtha starts a campaign tour for 41 of his colleagues, Diana Irey works hard to defeat the senile "cut and run" old man at home. Irey will be on Hannity & Colmes tonight. News from her website:
Irey Movement Gaining Momentum
The Irey campaign released a report that talks about how effective their e-campaign is. Based on the information from this statement, I'd say that Murtha's in for a bigger fight than the Agenda Media will let on.
"Today our campaign against Jack Murtha reached another milestone, as we received our one-millionth hit to our web site. All over the country, people are hitting our web site, making contributions, signing up as volunteers, and getting information so they can spread the word further. To date, we've received contributions from each of the 50 states, and we've even received contributions online from American soldiers on the ground in Iraq."
It's safe to say that Diana Irey isn't your average challenger and that John Murtha isn't your average vulnerable incumbent. The Irey statement explains why:
"When Jack Murtha says American soldiers 'killed innocent civilians in cold blood' before the first Marine has been charged, before the first court-martial has been convened, before the first soldier has been convicted, that doesn't just affect southwestern Pennsylvania, it affects the entire country.
"When Jack Murtha says 'we can't win this militarily,' and counsels retreat and surrender in the war on terror, that doesn't just affect southwestern Pennsylvania, it affects the entire country.
"When Jack Murtha says he wants to see an immediate cease-fire in Israel and Lebanon, where the same Hezbollah terrorists who killed American Marines in Beirut now target innocent women and children in Israel, that doesn't just affect southwestern Pennsylvania, it affects the entire country. "And the entire country is going to be happy when we redeploy Jack Murtha right out of the Congress.
To stay up-to-date on John Murtha and the Diana Irey campaign see:
Recent posts at Murtha Must Go:
The Squiggler "Murtha" Archives
Support Diana Irey Visit her website and sign up for her email updates and a
contribution to her campaign would help her get her word out and defeat Rep. John
And Diana Irey is one of the approved candidates on the new Rightroots list, so this is one more way you can donate and help her campaign.

Rightroots Endorsements
John Hawkins - Right Wing News
Robert Bluey - Human Events Online
Mary Katharine Ham - Townhall
Erick Erickson - RedState
Patrick Hynes - Ankle Biting Pundits
Ed Morrissey - Captain's Quarters
Lorie Byrd - Wizbang
Senator Bill Frist, M.D. - VOLPAC
Rep. Jack Kingston