This guy is too much. Looks like all the biggie moonbats have signed on.
Ramsey Clark Plans Rally Against Israel
Ramsey Clark has announced plans to stage a "National Emergency March on Washington" to protest American support for Israel's attempts to defend itself. According to Clark, who was U.S. Attorney General under LBJ, the financial assistance our country has long provided to Israel is grounds for impeaching President Bush.
Why anyone in the West would want to bring about the disintegration of a relatively civilized Arab state that has been moving toward democracy is not explained. If Lebanon did have any oil, we would just buy it. But in Ramsey Clark's circles, rational explanations are not to be expected.
Ol' Ramsey looks like one of those string puppets, doesn't he? The lines around his mouth and all. Shades of Howdy Doody!
Nice job of blogging, I always find useful things on your site that no one else is covering. I got myself a "I stand with Israel" label from one of your posts.
Posted by: stogiechomper | 31 July 2006 at 10:25 PM
Stogie, now that you mention it, he does have that puppet look ... but please don't denigrate my favorite, Howdy. I would say he is more a Mr. Bluster look-alike. ::smile::
Posted by: Pal2Pal (Sara) | 31 July 2006 at 10:45 PM