I have been saying since starting this blog that the lefties are sexists, racists and antisemites. The examples would fill several screens but this one from today pretty much says it all on the antisemite claim:
The first sentence of this diary entry at Daily Kos is all you need to read, as the antisemites among the progressives continue revealing themselves: Daily Kos: Israel’s Unjust and Unnecessary Response. (Hat tip: Sarge_62.)
Israel is showing the entire world why the Iranian President was absolutely right to suggest that Israel cease being a sovereign state as is.
The rest of the story here and it isn't pretty. And ANY democrat who aligns with Kos and his Kiddies should immediately be called to account.
Why do Jews stick with the Dems?
The expectation that the American Jewish voter will suddenly have an epiphany and convert to Republicans is again alive. It might even be called an eternal hope, so strong in the face of the weight of contrary evidence.
I know it is a question that still mystifies me.
In his interesting book The Oslo Syndrome, Kenneth Levin discusses the long history of pusillanimity and "internalizing the oppressor" in Jewish history. Whereas many Jews have acted nobly in the face of anti-Semitism, others have reacted to such vile prejudice as if it were true. According to Levin, numerous leaders of the American Jewish community during World War II--including, importantly, the publisher at The New York Times--refused to make a big deal about Holocaust, for fear that an example of Jewish concern for Jews would help perpetuate anti-Semitism.