I have seen others ask "where is Hugh Hewitt?" I lost him too for awhile after he went to Townhall. So if you missed that he did three separate interviews with constitutional law professor Erwin Chemerinsky, he has kindly posted the following links. Chemerinsky has signed on to the Wilson/Plame civil suit, although from the sound of things, he doesn't have a clue what the case is about. What a chump!
Transcript of the first conversation is here. The second conversation is transcribed here, and the third is here.
And if you lost Hugh in your RSS feed reader after he made the switch, here is the current feed that I finally got to work: http://rss.townhall.com/blogs/hughhewitt in my Bloglines feed reader. Don't have a feed reader, just click ... and while you are at it, enter this one too: http://squiggler.blogs.com/blog/rss.xml.
MacRanger has new news on the Libby case which, of course, is all about Plame/Wilson at: Plame Game - I said, they said, but I got the shaft!