Aaaah, come on, admit it, you love a mystery, a good cat fight, and taking sides in blogger wars. Lots of people have been busy in the last day or so, while I've been snowed under and under the weather. Have fun!
Clarice Feldman's piece over at American Thinker
...... it is quite probable that the bribery iGate’s owner has acknowledged is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the dubious business associations of Representative Jefferson.
Many other figures, some of them quite prominent, are likely to turn up as players in the temporarily suspended probe. Independent citizen-investigators, posting at such websites as Just One Minute, Macsmind, and Free Republic, have been poring over publicly-available documents and reports, in search of clues as to the identities of those as yet unnamed in the Jefferson investigation.
Few people outside these internet circles realize that one of those names may be Joseph C. Wilson IV.
The Jefferson-Joe Wilson Connection
Macsmind first mentioned this in May. I have been thinking about this possibility and reviewing the detailed and well-documented research published at Free Republic by a poster known as “Fedora,” who has examined public domain information and connected some very interesting dots. Joe Wilson, it turns out, left the State Department and became a business promoter with some rather intriguing connections before he went on his infamous mission to Niger.
Today's article at Slate from Christopher Hitchens
This means that both pillars of the biggest scandal-mongering effort yet mounted by the "anti-war" movement—the twin allegations of a false story exposed by Wilson and then of a state-run vendetta undertaken against him and the lady wife who dispatched him on the mission—are in irretrievable ruins. The truth is the exact polar opposite. The original Niger connection was both authentic and important, and Wilson's utter failure to grasp it or even examine it was not enough to make Karl Rove even turn over in bed. All the work of the supposed "outing" was inadvertently performed by Wilson's admirer Robert Novak. Of course, one defends the Bush administration at one's own peril. Thanks largely to Stephen Hadley, assistant to the president for national security affairs, our incompetent and divided government grew so nervous as to disown the words that appeared in the 2003 State of the Union address. But the facts are still the facts, and it is high time that they received one-millionth of the attention that the "Plamegate" farce has garnered.
When it comes to finding examples of the mythical digital Brown Shirt, I think I have come close to identifying a small network of such unethical and intimidating creatures. While investigating the genesis of why my identity and personal details were divulged at Think Progress a few weeks ago, which included a phone call to the home of my family, I came upon quite an interesting set of facts that I now want to reveal. Unlike the goons Gore envisioned targeting journalists, the group of people I came upon is quite the opposite – they use threatening, intimidating, and unethical tactics to protect their own stories. If you couldn’t read between the lines already, this story centers around the most infamous journalist of recent times, Jason Leopold, and those who so foolishly choose to associate with him. This includes terrorism commentator Larry Johnson, the most visible and outspoken member of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.
Short Summary of Leopold Story
And More Crazy: Someone Posts Jason Leopold's Information
The Glenn Greenwald Sock Puppet Story, From Start To (Almost) Finish
Some Jackass Posted Seixon's Personal Info
The Truth Regarding Iraq’s Yellowcake Connection
Did The CIA Block NSA Leads To FISA?
More Embarrassing Than $90,000 In The Freezer?
And you thought the DU and Kossacks were nutcases
Leftist Reporter Forges Emails, Smears Blogger Who Dares to Question 'Truth'
The problem with all of this is that Larry Johnson is one of the national media's "go to" guys and he's up to his eyeballs in all that is nefarious. Cornered animals can be very dangerous when they strike out. The CIA cabal is unraveling, keep your eye on the ball.