No question there are some "beautiful people" on Capitol Hill, most of them twenty-something women. But of all the 50 Most Beautiful People On Capitol Hill, my vote goes to a man, one I'd never heard of before reading the article. Ummm. Yummy!
Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.)
Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.). is good-looking and in good shape.
He has battled for three years against Sen. John Sununu (R-N.H.) for the title of the Senate's fastest man, competing in the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI) Capital Challenge, a 5K race in Anacostia Park that raises money for the Special Olympics.
Sununu won this year, but Ensign takes solace in being one of The Hill's 50 Most Beautiful. He urges a reporter to break the news to Sununu, but adds, "Pretty low bar, I guess."
But Ensign warms to the subject: "I keep telling my wife that I'm a lot prettier than she thinks."
The 48-year-old Ensign waxes philosophical about his graying hair, saying, "There's a Scripture that says gray hair is a sign of wisdom. I hope that's true."
One thing that is glaringly obvious in this piece is how young the staffers on the Hill are. I was a Congressional staffer and I sure don't remember the Legislative Aides and other important staffers being bubblegummers. I'm sure they are all smart, hard working indivduals, but if it still holds true that the majority of Congressional offices are run by the staff, much about the recent Congressional childishness slaps you in the face.