AJ delights us with his analysis of the Democrat's newly unveiled "plan."
The Democrat Plan for taking back Congress makes a common mistake. It insults American intelligence by pandering to feel good rhetoric and lacking anything bold:
“Our new direction will advance a common agenda, seek common ground, and apply common sense in the service of the common good.”
What a common crock. [ Read it all - A Common Mistake]
I particularly like (NOT) this one: "Ensure Dignified Retirement: Prevent the privatization of Social Security; expand savings incentives; and ensure pension fairness."
There is nothing dignified about living locked up in a nursing home at the mercy of do-gooder social services types and Nazi health care workers. Besides, if we don't "fix" social security soon, there won't be any left anyway. And I say this as one who has just come off 6 years of 24/7 care of an elderly parent struck down by two strokes, who begged me not to leave her in the mercy of our government run health care system. Government run, you say? Yes ... These bottom feeders don't care about the patient, only the bucks they'll get from Medicare.
Remember the liberal code - You are too stupid to run your own life or make decisions for yourself!
Feel The Excitement "As Democrat "leaders" Pelosi and Reid display all the excitement they can muster in their joint unveiling of the long-awaited, often delayed Democrat "plan" called "New Direction for America"...." [Hat Tip for the picture at the top of this post]
But then MacRanger weighs in with Democrats - All "Plan" and no Substance -II:
Sounds......er.....same...as....Isn't that plan for Health Care Hilliary's failed universal plan of '93? Seems that alone helped us get control of Congress in '94. So go fer it.
But what about you're plan to keep us safe from raging Islamist? ... More
For three years the Left and the MSM they dominate - have relentlessly harangued to public with propaganda about Iraq; this is typified by their constantly calling the jihadoterrorism there (which is almost exclusively perpetrated by "al Qaeda in Iraq") an "insurgency" ... More