This post ......
That detestable harpy
I've said before that's its kind of ironic that just about every phrase Stewie from Family Guy uses to describe Lois could easily be applied to Ann Coulter. Well - once again, Ann proves us right.
Hawkins: How about dashing off a quick sentence or even just a word or two about the following individuals...
John Murtha: (Coulter) The reason soldiers invented "fragging."
Absolutely disgusting. I have very little love for Mr. Murtha - and I recently agreed with his opponent Diana Irey when she said his words and actions of late were not that of a patriot. But there's no excuse - NONE - for the allusion to soldiers who kill other soldiers. It's despicable - and frankly, so is Coulter.
Update [2006-6-14 19:9:15 by Moe Lane]: Hi, Moe Lane here. I've noticed that there are a lot of people defending Ms. Coulter in comments below, on various grounds. That's your privilege; but if Ann Coulter had come on this website and uttered that quote in comments I would have banned her on the spot.
Keep that in mind when deciding how thoroughly you wish to emulate her.
...... really pisses me off. I was going to write a comment at Red State, but I'm so angry over this issue, there is no way to put that in a short comment. Besides, if I told them what total bullshit I think their response and the whole post is, I'd get banned. These are the same types of people who as kids would take their ball and go home when they didn't get picked first or because they got picked to be "it" or cried because they missed the last chair in musical chairs. They were the tattletales and the ones who have grown up to insist on banning dodge ball and jungle gyms. Phony baloney hypocrites and p.c. wimps.
The Far Right and the Far Left are two sides of the same coin. If they want to "ban" commenters for saying something they don't agree with (and both sides do on a regular basis) then they have no one but themselves to blame as they become more and more out of touch. Take immigration ... the far right is driving the immigration issue, for reasons those of us who live on the border have yet to discern. They threaten law makers with a no vote on election day and yet they have no clue about the actual problems. They insist on it being their way or the highway. And now the wrath of some of these idiots on the right have turned against one of their own with a political correctness that puts even the most ardent and strident lefty to shame.
They ignore the truth of Coulter's statements and wring their hands and cry "disgusting" because she says what most of us know or have said in private. Neither Coulter nor anyone else is suggesting that Murtha should be fragged as that would be disgusting. But, officers who behaved and spoke and acted against the rank and file with an elitist and insufferable attitude are the exact reason fragging came into being. Fragging is despicable, Coulter speaking about it, and/or analogizing about it, is not. No matter how you slice it, Murtha is an idiot Moonbat and senile old man who needs to go.
Ann Coulter's 'Godless' Hits NY Times #1 Spot
Ann Coulter's latest book, "Godless: The Church of Liberalism" will debut at #1 on the New York Times bestseller list for nonfiction on June 25, 2006, reflecting an extraordinary first week of sales.
It amazes me that liberals are in such a furor over Ann's comments about the 9/11 widows, especially after they barely raised an eyebrow at Ward Churchill's likening of World Trade Center workers to Adolf Eichmann.