Do you ever read something so vile, it makes your blood boil? Well, that's how I feel right now. How dare the Left complain about Ann Coulter's analogies. How dare they! Yes, how dare they when they are out making statements like this:
But that’s all gonna change if former intelligence professional Larry Johnson has anything to say about it—he of the al Qaeda isn’t a threat / Rove will definitely be indicted “intelligence” reporting, who just tonight has this to say about Rove, who it turns out probably won’t be indicted after all:
Karl is a shameless bastard. Small wonder his mother killed herself. Once she discovered what a despicable soul she had spawned she apparently saw no other way out. It would be one thing if his vile tactics were simply mere smears of politicians like Kerry and Murtha. They are big boys and should be able to defend themselves quite ably against this turd.
It gets worse, if that's possible. Go read the whole Jeff Goldstein post "When you care, it’s okay to say “controversial” things…." The GAG meter is off the scale. This was our CIA and Larry Johnson is one of the prime movers and shakers in the MOM and Plame cases. What a pig.
Maybe it is because I am a Mother, but don't you agree that a person's
mother should be off limits as a point of attack? It's creepy and
contemptible. The sad thing is, I don't think anyone expects anything
more from this whole disgusting crowd of Johnson/Wilson/Plame/Leopold
et al. Do you think Mrs. Johnson, Larry's mother, is proud of her
little boy?
Or is she wondering how she raised such a ?
Larry Johnson: “No Wonder Rove’s Mom Killed Herself”
Larry Johnson in his own Words
As described recently in NR (see "Mr. Counterterrorism Guru," June 5, 2006), former CIA analyst Larry Johnson is much admired on the left for his criticism of the Bush White House in the CIA leak affair. A high-profile participant in the last week's YearlyKos conference, he is quoted widely in the press — in recent months, he has been cited in the Washington Post, the New York Times, Associated Press, National Public Radio, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Daily News, Knight-Ridder, and other outlets. But on his own website, No Quarter , he is able to express himself more, well, directly, about news of the day. This evening, for example, he offered his thoughts on Karl Rove:
Check out the updates on all sites as it appears Mr. "Pig" Johnson has seen fit to alter his original post and manages to make it even worse in the process.
Sex, Drugs, and Partisan Hate takes Larry Johnson apart:
I guess I shouldn’t have emboldened blowhard Larry Johnson the other day by defending him from the troop-hating depths at TPMCafe. With the shocking news (shocking to Larry that is) that Rove is not going to be indicted in the Plame investigation, it seems he has become a little Mr. Cranky Bear. First on Wednesday he, like many others still in shock, called for Lushkin to show them the letter from Fitzgerald claiming Rove was not going to get served. Where’s the indictment Mr. Johnson? You, Wilson, your friend Leopold and the rest of your crew obviously know where it is since you are the purveyors of Truth. Show us yours, and maybe Lushkin will show you his. We both know who has the stronger hand.