When you see a post in the category "Moonbattery" who do you think of first? No, Jack Murtha is second ...
Cindy Sheehan Announces Hunger Strike
Here's some good news: the Ditch Witch is going on a diet.
In association with a collection of fellow kookazoids that includes Code Pink, Willie Nelson, Danny Glover, Dick Gregory, and Dolores Huerta, the She-Hag is planning an "open-ended hunger strike" codenamed "Troops Home Fast" (get it?). It's scheduled to begin on the Fourth of July and to keep going at least until mid August. That's when her traveling freak show will move back to Crawford, where she can sneak bonbons inside an air-conditioned trailer while her idiot hangers-on stew in the Texas heat. ... more
Now this is really funny ...
Hey, don't blame me, thank Strange Cosmos. A very cool site, by the way.
And for a really good laugh, check out Sacred Cow Burgers. You are already laughing with a name like that, huh?