I fell asleep last night with the television still on. This morning, eyes still closed, still more asleep than awake, and I hear a female voice say, "Rove vindicated!" My reaction was, "WHAAAAT?" But before I could pry my eyes open, I hear a follow-up announcement, "President foregoes teleconference with Iraqi Prime Minster. Makes personal visit to Baghdad!" WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?
I cannot help myself, I'm gloating. I predicted all along that Karl Rove would not be indicted. And the punctuation point of President Bush turning up in Baghdad is the icing on the cake.
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President George W. Bush rides in the cockpit of Air Force One on the final approach before landing in Baghdad Tuesday, June 13, 2006. White House photo by Eric Draper |
As Hugh Hewitt says: "UPDATE: And now the president is in Baghdad. Somebody get some valium over to DailyKos."
JustOneMinute is on the story and Tom Maguire is eating some crow along with many others. But plenty of fellow gloaters too.
AJ Strata says: Fitzgerald Quits While He Is Behind. "For those who do not have time to wade through hundreds of wailing posts from lefties moaning the end of Fitzmas, Mark Coffey has collected his top ten favorite whines."
And about that teleconference:
Air Force One touched down at 4:11 pm local time after a swift, spiraling descent to Baghdad International Airport meant to avoid anti-aircraft fire. Bush then traveled in an armed Black Hawk helicopter for the six-minute journey to the heavily fortified Green Zone of Baghdad.
``Good to see you,'' Maliki said when Bush walked into the Republican Palace, which serves as the temporary U.S. embassy. ``Thanks for having me,'' the president responded.
While in Baghdad, Bush also will participate in a video teleconference with his own advisers back in the U.S. and visit with U.S. troops. It was his second such visit to Iraq, and his departure from the U.S. was kept secret for security reasons.
And our favorite headline from the man of few words, Instapundit: "FROM FITZMAS TO FIZZLEMAS: Karl Rove won't be indicted."
Oh it's going to be a fun day with posts like this from Black Five:
Rove Skates!
Ha Ha Ha! Ho Ho Ho! Yee haw Jester's dead. Oops wrong reference.
Boy it's fun to sit down at work and have the first headline that greets me bring such joy and schadenfreude. The poor moonbats must just be heartbroken. No Charges against Rove, No Frog marching in chains, no Fitzmas. ZIP, ZERO, NADA!
Bite me Joe Wilson and your silly, scarf-wearing wife. Suck it Firedoglake and Kos and every other deranged lefty collection of wankers who spent so much effort over nothing, well an attempt to bring down W's brain isn't nothing, but it sure didn't work out now did it? Hey can we get a definitive ruling that Joe Wilson is a lying, self-promoting, man whore?
Or this from MacsMind:
Bang of a Summer IX- Bush in Bagdad leaves MSM holding the .....Bag
While Rove slept peacefully and restfully......
Bush headed to Baghdad leaving the press to wonder, "What the?"
And you have to check out Decision '08 "Top Ten (Themed!) ‘Progressive’ Reactions To The End of Fitzmas"
Via Gatway Pundit
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki - "Good to see you!'
President George W. Bush - "Thanks for having me!"
President Bush, left, walks in the courtyard of the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq, Tuesday, June 13, 2006 with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
Right Wing News has this to say:
If you're a Republican you gotta love it because you know if this shirt existed, Karl Rove would be wearing it today:
And Red State on the trip to Iraq:
The President on message in Iraq
Mr. Bush is in Iraq today. His message is simple and profound: The al-Maliki adminstration is real government made up of serious people with whom Mr. Bush feels he can work. Beyond that, as we all know this conflict has in many ways turned into a battle of perception, and the visual proof of solidarity provided by this face-to-face meeting could never be equaled by a picture of the President talking to a video screen.
Michelle Malkin has declared it Rove Derangement Syndrome Day.
Assuming you've all heard the news.
No Rove indictment in the CIA leak case.
And for a little "culture" in poetry:
The Night Before Fitzmas
(Apologies to Clement C. Moore)
Twas the night before Fitzmas and all through the blogs,
Not a creature was stirring, not even the firedogs.
The indictments were sealed at the courthouse with care
In hopes that Karl Rove soon would be there.
Lefty bloggers were snuggled all safe in their beds
While visions of frog-marches danced in their heads
When over at Truthout there arose such a clatter,
We all surfed over to see what was the matter. ... more
VIDEO: Bush Speaks To Troops In Iraq
Looking emotional at times, President Bush spoke to U.S. troops during his surprise trip to Iraq today.
And over at Seixon some more gloat ...
Emperor Kos
So how would the most overrated man in the blogosphere take the news, reported even in the New York Times (obviously lying), that Rove is out of Fitzgerald's crosshairs? I kept telling Kos to blink while watching him on Meet the Press the other night, he was freaking me out. He didn't blink at all at the chance to duck and weave when this subject came up. First, the duck:
Luskin doesn't say Rove was cleared of all wrongdoing. Just that there won't be any charges filed. Interesting wording.
Quack. I'm sure Lushkin can cram out some more statements for you if you want to cover every angle, Mr. Moulitsas. Then came an even larger quack:
Aside from that, I hope this serves a lesson to all of you who link to crap internet sources like Jason Leopold merely because they write what you want to hear. ... more