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25 June 2006



Thanks - I lost track of that Lincoln quote! What more proof does anyone need that this man needs booted out of office. His brain has died.


"{MIAMI — American presence in Iraq is more dangerous to world peace than nuclear threats from North Korea or Iran..."

Were I in Sun-Sentinel's shoes, I'd sit quiet as a mouse, hoping this will all blow over without much more fuss. Elizabeth Baier quotes Murtha several times in her Breaking World News (Brit Hume of Fox News as well as the Wall Street Joural have taken Baier's ball and run with it) claims of what Murtha said in Miami. When direct quotes are used, it's often the case the reporter has recorded the event, in order to make certain their quotes are accurate. What initially drew my attention was her lack of quotes for what she claims Murtha said in her first paragraph.,0,7119684.story

Shortly after reading the Sun Sentinel story, I googlenews'ed "Murtha Miami Iran Nuclear"
Among the dozens of hits quoting Ms. Baier indexed within a few hours of the Sun Sentinel's earth shaking expose' of Murtha's talk, I found another article published by the Miami Herald.

You will notice, this writer totally missed Murtha's "shot heard around the world" (technorati now has 400+ hits for what Ms. Baier claims Murtha said.)

On the unlikely chance Ms. Baier did *not* quote Murtha from a recording she made at the event ... I've written the Florida International University Public Relations folks asking them to preserve their audio/video recording of this event they sponsored for Murtha to speak at.

I've sent inquiries to the entire editorial boards of the Sun Sentinel, Wall Street Journal, Arizona Sun Star and Miami Herald, as well as Knight Ridder, asking them to pursue any recording of this event, in pursuit of the real news story, Elizabeth Baier.

It shouldn't take more than a day, or three, for Ms Baier to experience personally, that the world of journalism is flat. Whether you like or despise John Murtha is no longer the story. The real story is ... just how far has mainstream media sunk? Is Jerry Springer Journalism the new standard for reporters?

Here's what should strike every blogger as truly shocking... If Murtha never said anything like this ... If America's Conservative Talking Heads plastering this "Murtha fiction" all over the internet, including Fox News and the Wall Street Journal, then who's to blame for this story achieving such prominence that our enemies will have no trouble finding it, and get the comfort these stories provide them?

Hold your breath and hope that all this aid to our enemies really does have to do with what Murtha said in Miami. Until this gets cleared up by audio/video recordings verifying what was said, it's America's media "dittoheads", including bloggers that are the ones providing comfort our enemies.

Let's hope Fox News, Wall Street Journal, and of course, bloggers ain't the real culprits giving comfort to our enemies.

Keep in mind there are only two stories written by reporters who were actually in Miami last Saturday, where Murtha spoke. One used Mutha's outrageous comments as her opening paragraph, and the other, at a competing Newspaper in Miami, never mentioned them at all.

I spent a few hours on the phone with a friend of mine who is editor for a news site. I'm letting him run with this ball. You can follow how this story develops at:




The Sun-Sentinel is publishing the correction to their story, tomorrow. Congressman Murtha has also published a press release refuting this story.

I'll start work tomorrow on getting Brit Hume of Fox News, as well as the Wall Street Journal to correct their mistake premised on Elizabeth Baier of the Sun-Sentinel knew how to be a journalist.

The blog buzz has been extremely helpful to my initial cause, curing Jerry Springer Journalism.

For what it's worth, I have no connection to either theinfozone nor John Murtha, other than those that have been formed in the last two days. Prior to last Sunday James and I had met each other in an AOL chat room a few months ago and have occasionally sent each other news stories we found interesting.

You can keep track of how this story is unfolding at



are you going to update your post now that the sun sentinel has retracted its eroneous quote attributed to mr. murtha?


Despite an email warning to Mr. Pasco to contact Sharon Rosenhause, Managing Editor at the Sun-Sentinel, continues to maintain this page.

"Is Murtha channeling Marty McFly? Congressman’s June 27 press release magically includes information from … June 28?"

In my email exchange with Mr. Pasco yesterday he attempted to float this clever headline with me in an email. I responded to him with this:

If you really want to follow this "rapid crash journalism" course of action of yours, let me assist you in doing so properly. This is John Murtha's original press release issued by Cindy Abram on June 27th.
You can understand why Cindy Abram updated Mr. Murtha's press release from the 27th now, I presume. After all, most would conclude that the Sun-Sentinel, who created this mess to start with, was in a better position to fix what Elizabeth Baier broke than

Please note: Ms. Baier as well as her editor Ms. Rosenhause are recipients of this email.

Mr Pasco(sic), perhaps they will be gracious enough to assist you towards a more lucid understanding of your "Marty McFly" insight.

Apparently Mr. Bill Pascoe puts more faith in continuing his slander strategy than makes sense.

Ms Rosenhause has her own special part in this. The Sun-Sentinel has removed their retraction ... the correction that rewrote the "the shot heard around the world" first paragraph. The Sun-Sentinel has suddenly placed it in their paid archives, removing it from public domain. The only way you will find the unethical rewrite (still in public domain) is through google cache. You may wish to contact her as well.

For the sake of clarity, inquiries regarding THIS turn of events should include the Subject Line: Mr. Bill

Bill Pascoe
[email protected]
phone: (724) 258-2300

Sharon Rosenhause
[email protected]
phone: (954) 425-1200

Cliff Hancuff
The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too


“Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale & undermine the military are saboteurs & should be arrested, exiled, or hanged.” - President Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln never said this. Ever. This quote is a fabrication of Dr. J. Michael Waller, a long time Republican pundit, who first wrote it in a Moonie publication, Insight Magazine on December 23, 2003 shortly before the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth gave it life in 2004.

I have two original King & Baird pamphlets in my collection, the identical pamphlet Waller sites as his proof, “TRUTH FROM AN HONEST MAN”. Lincoln never wrote anything like this … here, or anywhere else.

How pathetic has the Republican Party become that it insults the reputation of America’s finest Republican president for their political gain?

Cliff Hancuff
The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too

Pal2Pal (Sara)

Take it to Sweetness and Light, as you see, I said it was their response to the Murtha story.

Whether the quote is exact or not does not change the fact that Murtha is a senile old man who needs to be voted out of office, whether he is a Democrat or Republican. He is an unindicted coconspirator in a crime, he is a liar, he has totally disgraced the proud uniform he once wore, he is now despised by his fellow Marines, and he is senile. I don't know where you live, but I bet it isn't in the PA 12th, so to defend him is no skin off your teeth. The PA 12th deserves someone they can be proud of, not some "cut and run" cowardly defeatist who has again and again put terrorists above this country and the brave men and women fighting to protect the liberties that allow Murtha to speak his drivel in the first place. He is an embarrassment.


"Whether the quote is exact or not"

I'm not sure how you failed to understand, but I'll try again ... Lincoln never said anything like this, or even close. This quote was invented by J. Michael Waller for an Insight Magazine (a "Moonie" publication)article he wrote in 2003.

As for my relationship to the 12th district ... my family first settled in what is now the 12th district in 1820 and have lived there ever since.

My great great grandfather, after whom I am named, died serving in Lincoln's army (E Company, 84th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers) on March 23, 1862 serving Stonewall Jackson his only defeat in the Civil War

I fail to comprehend your zeal for calling Murtha a liar while insisting your use of a "Moonie" fiction is justified due to it not being quite right.

Diana Irey's campaign is being run by a couple carpetbaggers, Bill Pascoe (former Press Secretary for the RNC) and Kelli Phiel of Brabender Cox. I have yet to read one word about what Diana Irey intends to do for the 12th district.

There's not one stitch of evidence that either of these two are interested in anything more than collecting enough campaign contributions to cover their high-dollar consulting fees.

God bless America. We'll survive what the Republican Party has become. I have faith that P.T. Barnum was only partially right. There may be a sucker born every minute, but there are at least a couple born every minute who aren't completely gullible.

Cliff Hancuff
The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too


Just so you don't feel picked on ... Sweetness and a few other "conservative" bloggers prefer their "Moonie" fiction unchallenged. They have blocked me from posting to their sites.

It seems some suckers prefer their "reality" to the reality the rest of us live in.

The Republican Party sure knows how to play to their base, eh?

Cliff Hancuff
The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too

Pal2Pal (Sara)

I was born and raised in Johnstown and went to Westmont schools and my father's family (Quakers) first came over the mountain from Adams to Bedford to Somerset county immediately following the Revolution. Their farm comprised pretty much what is the present day Cambria county which was split off from Somerset county. Coming from the other direction, my Mother's family (Scots-Irish Presbyterians) came across from Cumberland county to Westmoreland county pre-Revolution and then through marriages ended up slightly east again landing them back into what would be the western edge of the 12th. So, my ties to the area are strong and long-lived. My best friend since grade school still lives in Richland and for years I subscribed to the J-town paper, only stopping when I could read it online. My Mother's best friend (in her 80s) still lives in Westmont. My father was the Project Manager for the J-town flood walls completed in 1938 and my Mother was the Executive Director of what is now the Talus Rock Girl Scout Council. She was responsible for bringing scouting to African-American girls, a first back in the 1940s. Both my parents were very active in the community and we were encouraged, growing up, to do the same.

Murtha may have been a decent Congressman for the district, the problem is he isn't anymore. I salute his honorable military service, but based on his history, especially his disasterous advice to Clinton regarding Somalia, but even back to the marine barrack's bombings and his advice at that time, up to today, he has been a "cut and run" advocate for a long long time. I cannot explain why an honorable marine would turn on the military, but he has. They pretty much despise him across the board. Was his own experience so traumatic for him psychologically that he continues to suffer the trauma today? Maybe. It happens to the best of them. But, we cannot afford to continue to have him in Congress the way the world is today.

When I was growing up, we were told that J-town was 6th on the Soviet bombing list becaus of the steel mills. Security was a high priority during those years. When the big mills shut down and J-town had 25% unemployment, Murtha got elected and brought the traditional Democrat pork to the District, which I'm sure was much needed and made him very popular. This cannot be the priority in today's world of terror.

If what you say about Irey getting some "high power" campaign consulting is true, and I have no reason to doubt your word, then more power to her. She is getting lots of national attention and can use the help. But, who runs her campaign has nothing to do with who would staff her Congressional office. These are two very separate entities and the twain can't meet. You knew that, right?

The clue will be who she hires to be her Congressional side Legislative Aide, her office manager, researcher, etc. This we probably won't know until or unless she gets elected. If she is smart, she'll look around for people who have served well to other members. I hear Tom Delay's whole Washington staff will be looking for jobs come election day.

I'm not insisting on the Lincoln quote. I figure your comment is available for any to read and to make their own judgments and do their own fact checking if it is that important in the overall scheme.

I would never ban you unless you started calling me or someone else foul names or started advocating some kind of violence or you were sending a boatload of porn spam or something.

Everyone is fully welcome here to express whatever opinion they have. All I ask is to remember that there are real people on the other side of your computer screen and it is never a good idea to say something ad hom to another that you wouldn't want them to say to your own mother.


"If what you say about Irey getting some "high power" campaign consulting is true, and I have no reason to doubt your word, then more power to her. She is getting lots of national attention and can use the help."

I suppose that's one way to look at it. Bill Pascoe and Kelli Phiel are quite expensive. It takes a nation of dittoheads to cover their "consulting fees" which range in the thousands of dollars a day.

Let me know when the Pascoe/Phiel GOP Traveling Road Show (he's from New Jersey, she's from Illinios) that has swooped into the 12th decide it's OK for Diana Irey to say something about what she wants do for the constituents of the 12th district. I've written her for months asking, but Bill Pascoe keeps intercepting my email.

You're going to be waiting a long time for Irey to say something about her plans for the 12th. You see, all Pascoe & Phiel are interested in is propping her up and pushing her out the door with lies they write about John Murtha.

THAT's how you get a nation of dittoheads to pay for their white-collar lifestyle, and you know how important their white collar lifestyle are to folks in the 12th.

What the hay, there is big bucks in parting fools and their money.

God bless America. Thank God the people of the 12th District ain't as dumb as others. Irey's never had a chance and will loose for real reasons: the issues affecting the 12th.

Murtha's done more for the 12 District than any representative in US History. John Murtha was supporting most Reagan policies at the time when Irey's most controversial decisions involved skirt lengths.

God bless America and the good people of the 12th District. It's not like Pascoe & Phiel care one stitch about them. The last time those two worked together in 2004 they defended Jack Ryan's insistence his wife attended sex clubs with him. When voters rejected Pascoe/Phiel's justifications, Pascoe/Phiel wrangled Alan Keyes to move to Illinois to replace Ryan.

Don't even get me started on Larry Bailey and these other pissant little "truth" men. If any of them gave a damn about our troops at war they would have yelled at the top of their lungs at our Commander in Chief's incompetence in war. I guess you don't remember Al Qaqaa. That's where the hundreds of tons of high explosives being used to blow our guys into too many pieces to count every day comes from. Our troops had captured these explosives in the first days of the invasion of Iraq, but our guys had to abandon them.

When Larry Bailey swoops into the 12th district on October 1st, stick this pasty butt coward EX-Navy Seal with a few tough questions about his decision to remain silent on our president's stupidity in war that has armed our enemies with these explosives. I assume you give a hoot that the explosives stolen from Al Qaqaa were enough to blow up the entirety of the 12th District of Pennsylvania and kill everyone in it.

Tell me another Clinton story. I find them amusing by comparison.

Google these names, Squiggler.

Education. It's a good thing.

Cliff Hancuff
The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too


I can't say enough good things about what Brooks Jackson did with my original TRUTH FROM AN HONEST MAN pamphlet I loaned him.

My great, great, grandfather, who I am named in honor of, made the supreme sacrifice for our country in Lincoln's Union Army serving Stonewall Jackson his only defeat in the Civil War.

Diana Irey has "cut&run" from her use of this Lincoln quote. Write her "handler" Bill Pascoe at [email protected] and ask him. He's the one who arranged this "runaway!"

Here's some background:

Cliff Hancuff
The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too

Cliff Hancuff

If you'd like, go to this thread and watch a retired Air Force Colonel crash&burn.

Cliff Hancuff
The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too


good afternoon, squiggles. I have a new on for you today. It his a repost from

I'll cut to the chase regarding that sniveling wimp, Larry Bailey of

I'm tired of chasing his cowardly butt regarding his and EVERY OTHER Swift Boat Showboater who professes to give a damn about our troops at war.

I wrote him this letter (at bottom) as date and time stamped, and would love to have him step up to the plate like a man and give me an answer.

Please write him and give him the nudge he needs to remember the values of honor and integrity taught him by the US Navy.
"Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth" ignored a couple issues CRITICAL to our troops at war during the run-up to the 2004 election.

First, they sat silent knowing full well that Bush NEVER USED the number of troops he incessantly claims his generals asked for. Turkey would not allow the 40,000 troops of the 4th to pass through and participate in Bush's invasion of Iraq.

Bush waged war KNOWING our troops were 40,000 short.

Second, these same Lookatme! Showboaters sat silent when this very same troop shortage resulted in America's greatest tragedy of the war in Iraq.

EVERYONE who's ever gone through basic training knows that when you find your enemies weapons, you keep them secure.

Hundreds of tons of high explosives that our troops had captured at Al Qaqaa were abandoned specifically due to troops shortages, CREATED by Bush's incompetence in war.

These explosive stolen from Al Qaqaa are the weapons that have been used to blow our troops into too many parts to count each and every day of this war.

When some wimp, like Larry Bailey of, decides to pass his "gimme' some money" collection plate to support his concept of patriotism for a circus tent performance at The Cambria County War Memorial on October 1st of this year ...

Some would say there's nothing more patriotic than putting a moron who's never given a hoot about our troops at war (or he would have spoke up about those 40k troops left behind and Al Qaqaa IN 2004) in his proper place ...he's a coward.

To make matters even MORE entertaining, Larry Bailey actually thinks having John O'Neill, the original Lookatme! Show Boater, as his surprise guest speaker is a feather in his cap.

You may not like the stand John Murtha has been making, but for anyone who supports our troops at war, there's no way to respond to these idiot Swiftboaters' Reunion in Murtha's home town of Johnstown, Pa, than a chorus of Bronx raspberries.

I hope this clarifies.

Cliff Hancuff
The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too
Things are JUST NOT GOING WELL for the folks at the "Diana Irey for Congress" camp.

Diana Irey Press Release UPDATE!
(read first 4 posts, the rest if you fancy to)
(click all links found in post, or you will get/be lost)
Subject: RE: Iraqi Government Kicks Dubya's "Stay the Course" TO THE CURB!
Date: 9/14/2006 10:16:18 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
From: JournalismIsFlat
To: [email protected]
CC: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], JournalismIsFlat, [email protected], [email protected]

It's "Show Time", wimp.

Cliff Hancuff
The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too



CONTACT: Cliff Hancuff
September 29, 2006 [email protected]

"American troops could be home now, except for critical mistakes by our current Commander in Chief," charges Cliff Hancuff, Director of The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too.

"Media and right-wing bloggers are ignoring this fact. For weeks I have been challenging political activists and journalists to act with a minimum of ethical standards," continued Hancuff.

"I became involved when the Sun-Sentinel in Florida reported that Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) said the U.S. poses the top threat to world peace. I watched in dismay as the media and bloggers worldwide reported on this misquote."

"My involvement continued when I discovered Diana Irey, John Murtha's political opponent, had attacked Murtha using a fictional quote attributed to Abraham Lincoln."

"Larry Bailey of is continuing his three year blind support of our current Commander in Chief's incompetence in war. President Bush declared war in Iraq without the 4th Infantry, our most lethal, modern, and deployable heavy division in the world," added Hancuff.

This mistake lead to the atrocity of Al Qaqaa. Iraqi insurgents stole hundreds of tons of high explosives to be used as weaponry.

"These are the explosives being used by Iraqi insurgents and al Qaeda to perpetuate the war in Iraq."

"I am distressed that the same issues ignored by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in 2004 are being ignored again in 2006," said Hancuff adding, "Americans, American soldiers and their families deserve better."

"Without these critical mistakes made by our current Commander in Chief, our American troops would be home with their loved ones, with honor, right now."

On October 1, 2006 Hancuff be at the Cambria County War Memorial Arena located in Johnstown Pennsylvania for Larry Bailey's Swiftboating of John Murtha rally. It is there Hancuff will continue his wait for Mr. Bailey to recall the values of honor and integrity taught him by our US Navy.

There is a video online at:

YouTube - Rovian Architecture Unplugged

The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too




CONTACT: Cliff Hancuff
September 29, 2006 (202) 247-1418
[email protected]

"American troops could be home now, except for critical mistakes made by our current Commander in Chief," charges Cliff Hancuff, Director of The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too.

"Media and right-wing bloggers are ignoring this fact. For weeks I have been challenging political activists and journalists to act with a minimum of ethical standards," continued Hancuff.

"I became involved when the Sun-Sentinel in Florida reported that Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) said the U.S. poses the top threat to world peace. I watched in dismay as the media and bloggers worldwide reported on this misquote."

"My involvement continued when I discovered Diana Irey, John Murtha's political opponent, had attacked Murtha using a fictional quote attributed to Abraham Lincoln."

"Larry Bailey of is continuing his three year blind support of our current Commander in Chief's incompetence in war. President Bush declared war in Iraq without the 4th Infantry, our most lethal, modern, and deployable heavy division in the world," added Hancuff.

This mistake lead to the atrocity of Al Qaqaa. Iraqi insurgents stole hundreds of tons of high explosives to be used as weaponry.

"These are the explosives being used by Iraqi insurgents and al Qaeda to perpetuate the war in Iraq."

"I am distressed that the same issues ignored by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in 2004 are being ignored again in 2006," said Hancuff adding, "Americans, American soldiers, and their families deserve better."

"Without these critical mistakes made by our current Commander in Chief, our American troops would be home with their loved ones, with honor, right now."

On October 1, 2006 Hancuff be at the Cambria County War Memorial Arena located in Johnstown Pennsylvania for Larry Bailey's Swiftboating of John Murtha rally. It is there Hancuff will continue his wait for Mr. Bailey to recall the values of honor and integrity taught him by our US Navy.

There is a video online at:

YouTube - Rovian Architecture Unplugged

The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too
(202) 247-1418


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