There isn't much left to say about the Ben Domenech debacle. He is being tarred and feathered throughout the blog world yesterday and again today. Beltway Blogroll has a good roundup of links and commentary from both sides of the blogosphere.
I feel sorry for the guy, after all he is only twenty-four years old. To have this major black mark on his record at such a young age, especially when you are a talented writer, is a big set back that will take him years to come back from, at least inside the beltway. It is pretty clear that he plagiarized and that can't be justified. It just seems that the level of screeching is a bit over the top. He didn't murder anyone. The thing is, his own writing is better than the trite stuff he apparently lifted from others.
Nothing he did, however, justifies how the lefty moonbats treated him.