The New York Times is supposed to be the premier newspaper, the nation's voice. All other news seems to be based on what the New York Times does. It is a frustrating situation, but now it is becoming a critical situation. We've got the Times disclosing national security secrets and threatening to "out" foreign intelligence agencies who help the United States and we have them lying to us constantly for no other reason than they hate the man elected by the people to be the President of the United States.
I, on the other hand, am just a middle-aged woman in a semi-rural desert community in California who rarely goes out and about because of some health problems. So why is it that I can get a story right and the New York Times with all their reporters and assets can not?
On 21 February, I published a post about the Dubai Ports World deal and encouraged everyone to take a deep breath. In that post, it was clear that the ports weren't being taken over and that the story was about terminal operations not DPW running the ports. So why is it that it took the New York Times 9 days longer than it took me to get this story right?
Two articles on Saturday about the management deal for six American ports and its political fallout referred incorrectly to the role to be played by Dubai Ports World. It would run some of the terminal operations; it would not own the ports or take over all operations.
This is getting to be a regular littany around here ... the NYT needs to go. I don't care if they are building some huge shrine to themselves to add to the skyline of New York City. This paper is so past its prime and into its dotage, it needs a keeper. Oh yeah, it has one ... me and all the other bloggers who got this story right the first time around.