Palestinians to give back US aid By Jonathan Beale
BBC News, WashingtonThe Palestinian Authority has agreed to return $50m (£28.7m) of American aid following a request from Washington.The US State Department said that it did not want the money going to a Hamas-led government that refused to recognise Israel.
The US has already said that it is reviewing all aid to the Palestinians in light of Hamas' election victory.
As proof that it is serious, it has asked for $50m of aid to the Palestinian Authority to be returned.
The money was to be spent on regenerating the Palestinian economy following Israel's withdrawal from Gaza.
However, most of the $50m is still in the bank and the Palestinian Authority has agreed to return it.
President Bush has already made clear that he will not deal with Hamas, which the US lists as a terrorist group, until it renounces violence and recognises Israel.
However, the State Department says it will continue to work to meet the humanitarian needs of ordinary Palestinians.
I have mixed emotions about this. On the one hand, I'm glad to see our government stand on principle and refuse to fund terrorists, especially those who have vowed to annihilate Israel and aren't that crazy about us either. On the other hand, by all accounts, the election of Hamas was done fairly and was exactly what we have advocated for as our goal throughout the Middle East and freedom means the people are free not to do what the U.S. would like. In the end though, our own national security has to come first and to fund terrorists who have openly vowed to hurt us and hurt our allies has to be the first consideration.
Being a live hypocrite is better than being a dead terrorist victim.
After thinking about this some more, I've changed my mind. Just because we recognize the legitimacy of the Palestinian elections is no reason we are required to give them gifts.