If you spend any time at all reading blogs (and I do), it won't take you long to discover that some sites in the political blog world hate President Bush. This venal attitude is expressed over and over, ad nauseum. One of the very worst is the Huffington Post. The contributors there can twist every positive or good news story where the President is involved into something nefarious and turn every tragedy into an "its all Bush's fault" litany. The convolutions are sometimes vicious attacks, at other times, the attacks strain so hard to find a negative, the articles are just ludicrous. It is usually clear, even to the most casual reader, that the writers live in some kind of fantasy bubble that floats around in some alternate universe. They venerate those lefty icons who have contributed so much little to making America great, like Cindy Sheehan or Michael Moore. They fawn over cowards like John Kerry. They hold up the vile as role models. But, today they've outdone themselves in a post reporting on President Bush's appearance at the National Guard Association gala in Washington, DC.
The Guard unveiled a new bronze bust of George W. Bush. What could be twisted about that? Well you might expect that this crowd would try to dredge up the old stories of the President's Texas Guard service. No, no, no ... they are upset and see some kind of coup in the works, with the President behind it all ...
The inscription noting the duration of Bush's presidential term doesn't read "2001-2009." It reads "2001-BLANK." In other words, the statue says he's going to be president from 2001 through infinity! Everyone knows that Bush is supposed to leave office in January of 2009. No mystery. No uncertainty. The 22nd Amendment makes it so. It's the law. No gray area.
Or is there?
I knew this would slip out somehow, but I never thought the leak would come from a statue. Is someone at the National Guard trying to warn us? Does President Bush plan to use his Executive authority under his wartime powers to cancel the 2008 election because a change in leadership here might embolden the terrorists? The statue says 'yes.'
How desperate these moonbats must be. Our advice to Cesca and other writers at Huffington, GET A REAL LIFE! I was going to include some information on the etiquette of memorial dates and the cost to carve or recarve marble, but my own life requires I spend the time it would take to research and post this information on living. We can, however, refer you to the real story HERE.