I was away all day and didn't hear about the embassy burnings until late this evening. The more I see of this violence and destruction, the more angry it is making me. If I hear one more commentator tell me that we need to respect the religions of others and "understand" that Muslims find the cartoons offensive, I'm going to really explode. This is usually followed by how the commentator would be unhappy if his or her relgion was mocked, etc, etc. Then we get another lesson on why Muslims are so angry ... because lines on paper picture a bearded and turbaned man labeled Mohammed and depictions of Mohammed are offensive to Muslims. I'm as tolerant as anyone when it comes to religion, probably more so than most, but this circular reasoning is nothing but an excuse to appease a bunch of radical psychopaths. Any drawing of a Middle Eastern Muslim man is going to look like these drawings. They all look the same when drawn in caricature, with their beards and turbin-wrapped heads.
First of all, Mohammed was a prophet, not God. Jews forbid speaking the name of God and are forbidden to make graven images depicting God. If these cartoons were mocking or humorizing Allah, then I would be the first to say they are an offense to the sensibilities.
Second, there is no reticence on the part of the left in this country to mock Christian prophets and symbols. They don't believe in any higher power and so see nothing wrong with mocking those who do. The highest prophet in Christian belief is Jesus Christ and he is violated regularly. But, the greatest prophet or the Son of God is not God, Elohim, Jehovah, Allah, all names used to refer to what all children of Abraham consider to be the Creator. Neither is Mohammed.
As far as I'm concerned, the blasphemy here is by the Muslims by raising Mohammed up to be greater than God, greater than Allah.
Yesterday I read a post where the writer said, roughly, that this isn't a clash of civiliazations but a clash of logic. When I went back to find the exact quote and link to it, I couldn't find it again, but I agree 100% with the assessment. There is no logic in wanton violence and destruction over some ink on a piece of paper. Even American Muslims cannot seem to see the illogic.
You can read HERE about how this entire crisis has been orchestrated by those who wanted to create the result we've been seeing with the riots, burning of embassies and violence. Or HERE to see the phony cartoons added to the mix, they are far more offensive than the Danish ones. Now go back a couple of weeks and remember what bin Laden said. Jihad is good and goes on, he also said they had nothing to lose, and "Refraining from performing jihad, which is sanctioned by our religion, is an appalling sin. The best way of death for us is under the shadows of swords." Coincidence that in February 2006 we suddenly have all these radicals going insane over cartoons published in September of 2005. What, it takes over four months to react to a few cartoons? Coincidence that every would be rioter within shouting distance of a camera just happened to have a Danish flag to burn? Coincidence or Orchestration?
Sara -- I arrived here by your post on my friend Cao's Blog from your post; and, after looking at your pics, all I can say is ... WOW ... you're a knock-down-drop-dead gorgeous, hot and sexy lady -- sure made me sit closer to the Monitor...*wink*...!!!
Posted by: SSgt Yatahey | 05 February 2006 at 06:16 AM
And for a lady of my seasoning to wake up to a comment like this makes my day. Thank you very much.
Sara, The Squiggler
Posted by: Pal2Pal (Sara) | 05 February 2006 at 01:14 PM
Time was, the Left understood the vacuous evil of the "heckler's veto." Indeed, the ACLU fought FOR the Nazis right to march in Skokie on that basis.
Time was.
Posted by: Francis W. Porretto | 05 February 2006 at 02:25 PM