It would appear that Cindy Sheehan has dropped all pretense as the "grieving mom."
In keeping with the lefts love and admiration for all leftist dictators, Cindy Sheehan who never misses an opportunity to trample on her son's good name attended an anti-globalist (anti-capitalist, anti-American) rally in Caracas Venezuela for the World Social(ist) Forum. WSF.
"I admire him for his resolve against my government and its meddling," She said in a speech, praising leftist dictator Hugo Chavez."My government shouldn’t meddle anywhere".
If Cindy Sheehan is so anti war and for "peace" then why is she supporting a militant dictator who is responsible for many human rights violations and crimes against humanity, but since she considers terrorists and insurgence to be "freedom fighters" I guess someone like Chevez is someone she can support. [MORE HERE]