So you are over fifty and you've gotten the "Welcome" letter from the AARP. Remember that day? Me, I threw it in the garbage. I'd learned from days as a staffer for a Member of Congress that the AARP was controlled tightly by a small group of ultra far lefties. As the years went by and my own situation changed, I wondered if I was "cutting off my nose to spite my face." Then I hear how the AARP named Harry Belefonte a "Man of the Year" award. There aren't discounts deep enough to get me to buy into that.
I just happened to catch Neal Boortz on the car radio on my recent cross crountry road trip and through him, I heard about NASCON, an alternative to the AARP. In their own words:
NASCON InformationAbout NASCON
The National Association for Senior Concerns (NASCON) was established in 2005 to serve those aged 50 and older. For too long, a single political organization has claimed to represent all Seniors when, in fact, it has a narrow political agenda. NASCON is different.
We believe that Seniors, like everyone else, should have a dissenting voice. All Seniors do not think alike, and those of us who disagree with intrusive government and big spending want to be heard -- not silenced by a political machine more intent on promoting itself than improving the lives of Seniors everywhere.
NASCON believes that people are best served by less government, not more, and by policies that promote individual responsibility and autonomy. We believe the tax code is too complicated and lawsuits are out of control. We also believe that tough choices are needed to strengthen Social Security for our children and grandchildren.
If you agree with these principles, we hope you'll join thousands of other Americans as a member of NASCON. Our principles transcend age, and we welcome members of all generations.
There is a retirement crisis because of two deficits— a federal budget that has over a $500 billion annual shortfall and a trade deficit that is even larger. NASCON backs legislation that brings these deficits into balance, resulting in more and better jobs, companies meeting their pension obligations and more federal revenues available to pay Medicare and Social Security costs without raising taxes.
Our twin deficits exist because Congress abandoned the “pay-as-you-go” rules it followed from the early 1990s until 2002. Under those rules, any tax cut or new spending had to be matched by cuts of an equal value, thus ensuring the budget deficit wouldn’t rise. NASCON supports a return to this sensible policy, which helps not only seniors but all Americans.
NASCON supports congressional rejection of the 2004 “totalization” agreement the Bush administration signed with Mexico, which if implemented would allow millions of Mexican immigrants illegally working in the U.S. to apply and receive Social Security benefits. The agreement also provides for the opening of a U.S. Social Security office in Mexico City unless Congress blocks it.
NASCON believes everyone who participates in the Social Security program should use legal and accurate identification.. Social Security taxes must not be hiked— instead, Big Government programs must be cut or eliminated. Congress should replace the current tax code with a system that is simpler and provides more freedom to our citizens -- while encouraging savings and investment. NASCON believes Health Savings Accounts allow people to own and control their own health care. As the 2004 Republican platform noted, “they are an important step toward creating a system of consumer-driven health care that puts patients and doctors at the center of decision-making – not government bureaucrats.” The Congress must continue to ensure that these accounts are available to all Americans.
NASCON Membership
- $15 one year
- $28 two years
- $37 three years
Add your spouse to your membership at no extra charge.
NASCON members are automatically enrolled in the Pharmacare discount pharmacy plan and have access to special pricing on a growing list of other services.
Thanks for this info. I don't like AARP. I've seen your site before. You might like the Christian Prophet blog.
Posted by: A Christian Prophet | 13 January 2006 at 12:02 PM