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27 November 2005



W - Eagle; K - Chicken! Kerry was the ONLY Vietnam combat veteran who ever took the early out because of medals .. and, his at least one of his medals was phoney. No wonder he is the hero of the liberals!



George W. Bush openly admits that he considered rupturing his eardrums just to avoid having to fight for his country.


John Kerry volunteered to join the military and to go to Vietnam and risk his life. Not once but twice.

Ronald Reagan

You've got the captions reversed.

And that post about the phoney medals -- prove it. You're calling the US Navy -- not John Kerry -- a liar. It's the US Navy that says all the medals were deserved.

And he's not the only vet to take that route out. I've known several who did. At least he served. W took the "Daddy, save my partying frat boy bottom" route out.


Squiggler says:

Oh Ronnie, Ronnie, Ronnie ... you need to do alittle more of your own fact checking and not just rely on what your anti-Bush cronies have fed you. Now, the truth of the matter is that in 1969, my husband returned from Vietnam with a tale about this cowardly LT who was getting a purple heart for a self-inflicted wound and who had nearly drowned one of his men when he gunned the boat and ran like a scared rabbit, dumping one of the crewman overboard. How did my husband know this ... he was there. Then in '71, he says to me, "that's the guy" when Kerry showed up with his band of unwashed and started calling his comrades-in-arms baby killers, etc. and tossing his ribbons away. No one had heard of John Kerry politician at that time. This is a Navy man talking about first hand experience. Surprise surpise that 35+ years later after what we suffered because of this coward, the Swift Boaters would join together to tell America the truth about this man who so brazenly stood before the cameras at the convention and "reported for duty." Talk about a gag moment.

Now as to George Bush ... have you done any independent checking? No, obviously not. I don't think the Air Force fighter school flight training program would like to think you call them a "frat party." The man put in nearly 2 1/2 years of what could be considered "active duty" while in flight training and is qualified to fly multi-million dollar jets for the military. I don't think you get to there from a frat party or by being a "frat boy." I would give you the exact hour for hour figures, except I'm in a motel somewhere on Interstate 40 traveling from California to Pennsylvania and I don't have that info on my laptop. It is available online, however, should you wish to fact check. I know from memory that he was required to give 50 hours a year and in the years of flight school, etc. he was averaging about 300 hours. Kerry, on the other hand, is trying to claim that his 3 lousy months of cowardly behavior makes him some kind of war hero. Sorry, I'll take the word of those who saw him in action. He is no hero. And it is not George Bush's fault that his unit was not called up for overseas duty.

Having lost one love to a VietCong bullet in '65 and having a brother-in-law still listed as MIA on the Wall, shot down in '67, and having my husband as a 30 year Navy veteran with 4 tours in Vietnam, I do not give kudoes for military service lightly nor do I honor service lightly. Kerry gets no respect from this family. George Bush does.


Kevin .. he, the chicken Kerry, was only in Vietnam once .. for three months .. the ONLY combat person to ever apply for the early out from Vietnam.

The RR poser .. a liar username on top of an ignoramus dimwit. Didn't mommy teach you not to show your ignorance in public? Kerry's commander at the time of his so-called "heroism" refused to sign his medal application! Rice in the posterior .. a fitting thing for a purple heart .. you and Kerry belong together .. pick an island!

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