Dear President Bush:
Although I wasn't jumping for joy over your choice of Harriet Miers, I remained neutral and as a woman, I became more and more distressed as I stood helplessly by as you allowed her to be trashed by people of whom I expected better or at least more civilized behavior. But Mr. President, this morning, when I woke to find that you had caved to the far right and to that group of wooses and wimps led by the Prince of Woos, Bill Kristol and his minions, I lost all respect for you. I feel totally betrayed. So for today, you may feel that you've gained something by the withdrawal of Harriet Miers from consideration to the Supreme Court, but at what cost? You fed her to the wolves and this woman won't forget.
With no respect,
Sara, a.k.a The Squiggler
'as a woman' - what basis is that to form an opinion?
Posted by: eeore | 28 October 2005 at 04:48 AM
I agree with you.She may not have been as qualified as necessary but Bush didnt help. Not only does this make it more difficult for women, it proves that the special intrest groups run the White House.
Posted by: jill | 28 October 2005 at 06:59 AM
BAh, please! This is the best thing Bush has done since... well, this is the thing he's ever done! The only way he can do better is to shove Robert Bork up into the Court. That would just f-ing ROCK!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: NewsGuy | 28 October 2005 at 05:08 PM