From time to time I like to publish what in my opinion are the most disgusting items in the news for a day. Lately, those items seem to come from the mouth of Cindy Sheehan, known disaffectionately around the blogosphere as "Mother Moonbat." Well, MM is at it again and this time she has really gone over to the lunatic fringe. Here is a "cut and paste" quote from one of her diatribes on the Michael Moore website. I'm not giving the link to Moore because I don't want him getting credit with Google for the link. The empasis in red is mine.
George Bush needs to stop talking, admit the mistakes of his all around failed administration, pull our troops out of occupied New Orleans and Iraq, and excuse his self from power.
This woman is so out of control she has become a national embarrassment.
Actually, the woman is an American citizen who is exercising her right to free speech. Lots of people say lots of stupid things every day. The only difference is that Ms. Sheehan managed to get herself on the news.
Heck, you run a weblog. You know what I'm talking about!
Posted by: Len | 16 September 2005 at 08:29 PM
Ms. Sheehan is correct though. Although, she should modify her statement on New Orleans to ...the government should give the money to the state and let the state begin rebuilding. Halliburton should leave. Etc.
Posted by: Kevin | 16 September 2005 at 10:28 PM
I was going to say essentially what the first commenter did. Its hard to blame Sheehan for having an opinion (well-informed or not.) The only reason you or I hear about it is because she keeps getting reported on, not because her opinions have merit.
I saw Janneane Garafolo on CNN once, when celebs were protesting the pending Iraq invasion. The commentator asked her, "Why should your opinion have any more weight?" She answered, "It shouldn't. I'm just someone who's made some mediocre movies. But you'll have me on TV, instead of..." aned she rattled off 4 or 5 better qualified pundits. The poor talking head was left to mutter, "Well, I LIKED Mystery Men."
Posted by: josh | 17 September 2005 at 02:53 PM
how red is your neck?
Posted by: kevin | 22 September 2005 at 12:29 AM