Imagine the "Mom Voice" and the "Mom Look" because that is the scene I'm setting here. Have you heard that our stockpiles of flu vaccine are getting ready to spoil as the expiration dates come and go by? Apparently the great vaccine shortage has turned into a glut of unused vaccine that is going to waste. I fall into one of the higher risk categories and so I should have gotten a flu shot. I was sceduled to get one but my Miother died that week and flu shots didn't seem very important and the appointment was missed. I am and have been for over a week now getting severely punished for my lack of attention to good health practice. I had the flu once before back in 1967 and I can honestly say that that time and this are the two times in my life that I felt sick enough that the thought I could die actually crossed my mind.
Please DO NOT TAKE CHANCES ... go get your flu shots.
1 total comments.
Posted by Whymrhymer:
Got it! And I didn't even feel the ouchy!;);)